At the Network Layer, routers handle traffic from one network to another. Although there are many routers on the market, the Cisco brand has really become the most signficant -- defining a standard. Moreover, the Cisco company is responsible for many professional networking certifications, such as Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). In this part of the course, we are becoming more familiar with the command line interface for the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS). At the same time, much of our activities involving Cisco routers will be quite applicable to routers -- on both the hardware and software levels -- in general.

Please answer the questions below. Note that some of this may call upon your Lab #9 work, as well.
  1. For your Cisco router, what do 0/0 and 0/1 mean, in terms of the FastEthernet interface?
  2. For a FastEthernet port on your Cisco router, what are the commands shut and no shut for?
  3. When you issue the command show running-config at a Privileged Exec prompt, some items are displayed. For each of the items listed below, define it and explain its importance. If necessary, consult the Cisco website (
    1. Building configuration
    2. Current configuration
    3. !
    4. Version 12.4
    5. service timestamps debug datetimemsec
    6. service timestamps log datetimemsec
    7. no ip domain lookup
  4. Go to the Cisco Router Selector webpage and explore the different questions they ask to help potential customers decide. Briefly explain each of these (in your own words, rather than using direct quotes):
    1. Branch vs. Network Edge Router
    2. Physical vs. Virtual Router
    3. Hardware Flexibility
    4. IPsec and MACsec
    5. System throughput
    6. Cisco Intelligent WAN (IWAN)