Folder Setup (assignments and reports directories)


Deliverable Points Description
A reports directory 40 A directory inside your it110 directory.
A assignments directory 40 A directory inside your it110 directory.
A text file containing some information 20 A file inside your it110/assignments directory. It should address the following questions:
  1. How have the tasks of completing Assignments #1 and #2 went for you so far? Is there anything you still need help on?
  2. Do you have a laptop that you can bring to class? If so, what operating system are you using?
  3. Are you accessing the remote server ( using a graphical interface or a command-line interface?
  4. What is your current preferred method for creating/uploading files on the remote server? Do you use any particular software program(s) for this?
This file should be called assignment_02.txt


Inside your it110 directory, create two subdirectories: reports and assignments.
Inside your it110/assignments directory, have questions for the assignment completed in the file assignment_02.txt