- Lateness: You should plan to be in the classroom, in your seat, and ready to work at the moment class officially starts, and you should plan to do this consistently. (This includes any printing of assignments, which -- if needed -- should be taken care of before class starts!) Showing up less than 10 minutes late a few times per semester (i.e., 1-2 times) is understandable, but more often than that is unacceptable! If you do show up to class late, be sure that you enter the class room quietly and in the least disruptive manner possible.
- Electronic Devices: Items such as cellular phones and laptops are permitted in class on the condition that (1) they remain silent at all times and (2) you do not become distracted to the point that you are not paying attention to the instructor's presentation. No electronic devices will be permitted during examinations.
- Talking: When class begins and the instructor starts lecturing, you should not be conversing with one another at all. If you must communicate with a fellow student, please do so in a quiet and non-disruptive manner that does not distract anyone from the instructor's presentation. Examples include passing notes or using a chat program. No communication with anyone other than the instructor will be permitted during examinations!
- Food and Drink: Please follow the university's regulations regarding food and drink for whichever space we are occupying at the time.
- Using HipChat: In class, if we use HipChat, then that program will be available to you for the purpose of posting questions if, for whatever reason, you do not wish to ask it out loud. Also, it may be helpful for communicating with one another about conceptual material. While using this service, please keep all dialogue relevant to class material, respectful, and appropriate (i.e., no profanity or vulgarity).
- Other items may be added to this list, throughout the semester, as deemed appropriate and helpful by the instructor.