IT 246: Introduction to Networks
IT 341: Introduction to System Administration
IT 444: Network Security Administration II

Chapter Summary Requirements

(Adapted from Glenn Hoffman's IT341 materials)

Due: Start of Final Exam*

(*The beginning of the university-official final exam time, as specified in WISER, for the specific class and section for which you are submitting these.)
Here are the requirements for the chapter summaries from:

Further Requirements:

If these rules are not followed, you will lose points.

ADVICE: You will do better to start by skimming the chapter and trying to grasp its main points, before trying to do a close reading. The former should usually be sufficient to write a decent summary! Remember, summaries do not have to be particularly polished -- not nearly on the same level as a lab report.

IT246 students will complete 10 chapter summaries: Chapters 1-9, plus your choice of one of the last five chapters of the textbook -- Chapters 10-14.