IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 1 Exercise, TBA


The goal of this exercise is to register for this course, and, if you don't already have one, to get a Unix account.

It is important that you complete this exercise now, because you will not be able to do any further work in this course until you do.

Creating Accounts

For this class you will need two accounts, a Unix account that we will use to do class work, and a Windows account that we'll use in the IT Lab to connect to the Unix account.

The Windows account is created automatically when you create a Unix account.

If You Do Not Have a Unix Account

You need to create a Unix account by logging into the Unix system using the special "apply" account.

Go to one of the Windows machines to which someone has already logged in, find the SSH package on the machine, run it and enter the following parameters:

ssh configuration parameter value
ssh version2
ssh port22
user nameapply
Authentication methodpassword

When prompted, use the password "apply".

You will be asked for this password more than once.

Answer the questions posed by the script, selecting this section of IT 244.

It will take a day or two for the account to be created.

After the Unix account is created, a Windows account, with the the same login ID, will be created.

Use the temporary password "abcd_1234" to login to this Windows account, and you will immediately be prompted to create a new password.

If You Already Have a Unix Account

Even if have a Unix account, you need to "apply" for this course so that you have access to the directories we'll be using.

Follow the procedure above.

The apply script will ask you for your existing Unix account ID, and then you can apply for this course.

Get enrolled in the Google group.