IT 441: Network Services Administration
Class #03 Exercise

Complete by: 2/11/2018

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Just so that you understand what you are doing here, when you see an item like this...
        perl>  $int_numb = 57 ;
...that means you have the prompt perl> , at which you should type the following Perl code $int_numb = 57 ; and press Enter. The resulting session will feature the Perl prompt, the code you type, and any output that results.

Also, in terms of entering the code at the prompt, you may in fact find it easier to copy the code from your browser and paste it in at the Perl prompt. This way, you can focus your attention less on typing and more on comprehending the code:

  • What are the parts to the code?
  • Why are they here?
  • How do they contribute to the output/result?
  • If you changed the code, in one way or another, how would that affect the output/result?
Asking questions like these and experimenting are how you develop your skill at Perl programming and many other tasks!

Practice with scalar variable types

Practice with variable names

Practice with operators

Practice with statements

Practice with the rules of precedence

End the script session

Use the exit command. You should then have a file called typescript in your current working directory.