
  1. Open either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Find and navigate to a simple webpage, one that looks like something a beginner would make -- text, a few links, a few images, etc. Make note of the URL, and include this in your admin log.
  3. Open the Developer Tools.
  4. In a separate window/tab, open either.... and read it. (Skim over parts that you do not understand.) Make note of what parts you do and do not understand, and include this in your admin log.
  5. On that page, there will be links to information on the Elements and Network portions of the Developer Tools. Navigate to those links and read them. (In Firefox, it's Inspector, instead of "Elements".) Make note of what parts you do and do not understand, and include this in your admin log.
  6. Go back to the tab/window from Step 2.
  7. In the Elements tab, look at different elements of the page. You can expand or collapse elements, as elements are nested within one another.
  8. Go to the Network tab and reload the page. Look at a few (3-5) different request/response pairs, and save the text from those.

Upon Completion: