
NOTE: These are all the tasks you need to complete for this lab. However, I may later add in some extra resources (e.g., links, photos), if I think they would be helpful.
  1. Open the program GNS3 on your Windows computer (it21 through it28).
  2. If you are shown the Setup Wizard... Otherwise, click Edit, followed by Preferences; steps III-V will take place there.
  3. On the General section:
  4. On the Server section:
  5. On the IOS routers section under Dynamips:
  6. Open up the Windows command line utility and enter the command ipconfig and look for an entry that looks like this, with an IP address of :
    Ethernet adapter ____________:
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fd99:9a7c:ee50::/48
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :                    
    Make a note of the adapter name you see in the blank. If does not exist either, then let me know and I will help you find the right adapter. (NOTE: Prior to Spring 2017, the "42" was "217". However, "42" should be correct now.)
  7. Back in GNS3, create a new blank project.
  8. Getting the "All devices" view:
  9. Here, we will start to build a topology, beginning with a server-type host:
  10. Configure the server host:
  11. Configure client hosts, PC1 and PC2
  12. Add a router
  13. Add a switch
  14. Link all your devices to the switch in the center:
  15. Activate your virtual devices:
  16. Configure your connected devices (being sure to save your command line interaction):
  17. Shut down PC1, PC2, and R1:

Upon Completion: