
  1. NOTE: If I ask a question in these directions, or advise you to make note of or record something, then I am expecting to see this later in your admin log or associated files.
  2. If you are a smartphone owner, select one of the wireless network analysis mobile applications mentioned above. Otherwise...
  3. Check out some of the supplementary materials and/or some tutorials regarding your chosen application.
  4. Start to learn about and practice with your chosen app. Figure out if there are any needs your app does not meet. It is not a requirement that all members of your lab group use the same app; whether you use the same one or different ones is up to you.
  5. Inside your it246 directory, create a subdirectory called lab06_site_survey, in which you later save data (images, etc.) that cannot go directly in your admin log.
  6. Choose a location on campus for which you would like to perform a wireless site survey.
  7. Perform a wireless site survey of the site that you chose. You should start with the following tasks... You should make sure to do a good job with your initial diagrams/maps, as you may find them helpful for producing subsequent ones.
  8. This site survey will differ from the kind described in the textbook, in that you are not determining where to place wireless access points -- but, rather, assessing the current status of the network.
  9. There are several wireless networks on campus, so just choose one. That network will likely be available in your site... Make note of which access points (including the associated MAC addresses) let you connect to that network...and on which bands/channels. Also, which of the 802.11 wireless standards is the network based upon?
  10. Identify which access points in your site do and do not provide access to your chosen network. For each access point that does offer connection -- without worrying yet about specific channels/bands or signal strength levels -- determine the overall coverage area. Where do its boundaries lie? How will you figure this out? Is this area mostly circular, within a well-defined radius? Or is it more irregular? You should be taking notes and diagramming during this process!
  11. Produce a coverage map of your site, for that network, relative to the access points. You may find your floor plan from a few steps ago helpful in producing this map.
  12. Come up with an idea for a second coverage map for the site. You may find your simpler coverage map, from the previous step, helpful in producing this map.

Upon Completion:

In your Admin. Log, complete the entry for this lab, which should include the following questions, along with your answers:
  1. What site and network did you choose for the site survey, and why?
  2. Which app(s) did you and your partner(s) use for this lab, and which features of the app(s) did you use the most?
  3. How did the process of performing the site survey go? How long did it take to complete the process?
  4. Which steps of the process were easiest to carry out, and why?
  5. Which steps of the process were hardest to carry out, and why?
  6. Briefly explain your floor plan and coverage maps, with reference to the particular files (in your lab06_site_survey subdirectory) containing them.
  7. What did you learn that would be most useful to a user of the wireless network?
  8. What did you learn that would be most useful to an administrator of the wireless network?
  9. What are some of the main questions that you have about the material in this lab, moving forward?