
  1. If you have not already, go ahead and download/install the Wireshark software to your own personal computer -- for use in this lab, as well as your own practice and experimentation. Go to the Wireshark homepage and click Get Acquainted, followed by Download. Choose the version pertinent to your own operating system, of course
  2. Watch the Introduction to Wireshark video, indicated above.
  3. Open Wireshark on your computer . This may require admin privileges, but by this version, it hopefully should not. Depending on your OS, your experience may differ...
  4. Choose a website, ideally one where the interaction is over HTTP and not HTTPS. This is because HTTPS uses encryption -- whereas we would like to have the data in unencrypted form.
  5. For your site, do the following: (Because of the number of data packets, you should spend only a few seconds capturing!)

Upon Completion: