+ Expand Code
public class BooleansAndConditionals {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Creates a special type of object that 
    // generates random values of various types
    java.util.Random rGen = new java.util.Random();
    final boolean b1 = rGen.nextBoolean();
    final boolean b2 = rGen.nextBoolean();
    // Notice the variable names: _a, _b, _c, etc.
    // NOT a, b, c, etc.
    final int _a = rGen.nextInt() / 3;
    final int _b = rGen.nextInt() / 3;
    final int _c = rGen.nextInt() / 3;
Your task, then, is to follow the directions in the comments in order to make changes to the code that will result in the desired output being printed to the screen.
  1. Write the println statements that print the expression itself and whether it is true or false.
  2. Write the simple if and if/else statements
  3. Write the nested if/else statements
Note that because b1 and b2 are being assigned true or false at random, while the int variables are also being assigned random values, the output will look different each time you run the program. To this end, I have provided multiple examples of how the output could look. (Important: The sample output only includes blanks because otherwise would be basically giving you the answer. Your own output should have the expressions, not the blanks!)

Program output examples:

+ Expand Output
b1 is false
b2 is false
_a is -592100251
+ Expand Output
b1 is false
b2 is true
_a is 1714693865...
+ Expand Output
b1 is true
b2 is true
_a is -114437699
+ Expand Output
b1 is false
b2 is false
_a is -61204695
+ Expand Output
b1 is true
b2 is true
_a is 1164092340
+ Expand Output
b1 is true
b2 is false
_a is -604635712
In at least 150 words, answer the following questions:
  1. How did the process of creating these programs go for you?
  2. What were your main challenges and how did you overcome them?
  3. What did you learn that may be of use as you move along in this class?