Complete the following tasks. Do not delay in this, as each of these things is crucial to your successful completion of this course. Each task will have a list of tips and information that you can show or hide by clicking the pink "Tips" text. At the end of this page, you will see instructions for what to hand in.

Your Tasks:

  1. Before you begin, read the directions in full so that you have an understanding of what is expected of you here.
  2. Start on these tasks immediately, as they make take longer than you initially anticipate. The sooner you start, the sooner you are able to identify and address any difficulties.
  3. Log into your personal account on the Gradescope website, and complete the preliminary "Tester" questionnaire. This serves two important purposes: Helping me collect some basic information for record-keeping efficiency, AND ensuring that you are familiar with the platform already, before Midterm and Final Exams are coming due!
  4. Set up your Linux account and enroll in this class.
  5. Create a file in your Linux home directory called .umb_email, with your UMass Boston e-mail address as its content.
  6. In your Linux home directory, there should eventually be a sub-directory of the same name as this class. (NOTE: Do not attempt to create this directory yourself! Instead, allow the departmental sysadmins to create it for you!) Inside the directory for this class, create a sub-directory called homework. You can accomplish this by entering the following series of commands:

    cd ~/classname
    mkdir homework

    (Replace classname with whatever this class is: "cs110", "it114", etc.)
  7. Download the JDK, and get set up with an editing tool.
  8. Answer the following questions (saved in a file called memo.txt to be uploaded in the appropriate folder):
    1. What is the code number that I e-mailed to you? (May not be e-mailed until evening of due date!)
    2. What program/utility are you using to connect remotely to
    3. What program/utility are you using to upload files remotely to for homework and project submissions?
    4. Tell me a bit about the process of carrying out these tasks. What went well? What was challenging? Is there anything else you want to tell me -- or have questions about?