- Create an hw04 directory in your hw directory
inside your it244 directory
- Go to the hw04 directory and run Unix commands that will execute the steps below
- When you have a command line that does what the step asks you to do, paste it into using nano or any other text editor
- When you have completed all the steps, create an echo statement before the commands
for each step, that will print the step number to the terminal
- The script must have the format specified in
this document
- Scripts that do not follow the rules specified in the document mentioned above will
will have points deducted from their score
- Be sure to test your script and correct any errors you find
- You will lose 5 points for each error that occurs when running your script
- To run your script and see only the error messages run the following command
bash > /dev/null
Steps for Script
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using tilde, ~ .
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory using pwd.
Using one Unix command, go to your home directory using tilde, ~ .
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory using pwd.
Make sure you are in your home directory.
Using one Unix command, go to your hw04 directory inside your
hw directory, inside your
it244 directory using a relative pathname.
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory.
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using an absolute pathname.
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory.
Using one Unix command, go to the it244_files directory inside
the course_files directory, inside my home
directory, using an absolute pathname.
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory.
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using a relative pathname employing
.. .
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory.
Using one Unix command, go to your home directory.
Once you are there go to your it244 directory using a
relative pathname.
Show me that your are in the correct directory.
Make sure you are in your it244 directory.
Using touch create a file named test.txt.
Go to your hw04 directory.
Using .. stay in your hw04 directory but list
the contents of your it244 directory.
Make sure you are in your hw04 directory.
Stay in this directory and
copy the test.txt file from your it244
directory to your hw04 directory using a relative pathname.
Show me that the copy operation succeeded by listing the contents of that directory.
Using one Unix command and multiple instances of .. ,
go to your home directory.
Once you are there, show me that you are in the right directory.
Using one Unix command, copy the test.txt file from your
it244/hw/hw04 directory to your home directory.
List the contents of the directory so I know the copy succeeded.