This program will simulate a small "database" of information about books at a university. The information for each book will be stored as an object of the Book class, and all the Book objects will be stored in a list. With this program, you will be able to:

To do this, write a code file called which will define the Book type so that it can be used in the program below and produce output as detailed in the output section.

A few points to remember while working:
+ Expand Code

NOTE: The code below would go in a file separate from! It is merely for testing the Book class that you will write.

# Execute file containing class code


# An empty list, when the program first
# starts.  As the user starts to add 
# books, it will be filled with items --
# those items being objects whose instance
# data is book information.

books = []

choice = None
while choice != "0":

    Create Books

Note that because of user input and random values, the output will look different each time you run the program.

Program output example:

+ Expand Output

    Create Books
    0 - Quit
    1 - List All Books
    2 - Add a Book
    3 - Display Book Information
Choice: 1


    Create Books
    0 - Quit
  1. How did the process of creating these programs go for you?
  2. What were your main challenges and how did you overcome them?
  3. What did you learn that may be of use as you move along in this class?