This program is a command-line based utility for creating students and courses (presumably for a school), adding students to courses, and displaying information about students and courses. It is designed in order to give you an opportunity to:

The whole program will consist of four classes:

The ONLY .java file in which you will have to write code is MethodHolder - though you need to at least understand how the Student and Course classes work. (Hint: If you find yourself thinking you need to change/add code in any place other than where I've told you to do so, that's a good sign you need to let me or someone know what obstacles you are running up against.) Notice the following three lines:
  private static final double COST_PER_CREDIT = 345.59;
  private static final int SENIOR_MIN_CREDITS = 90;
  private static final int INTENSITY_THRESHOLD = 4;
These are constant variables that hold the cost per credit, the minimum number of credits a student must have to qualify as a senior, and the minimum number of credits a course must have to count as intense. You will write code for the following four methods:

Click here for a live demonstration of the program in action.