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CS 470/670 Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2010

  1. How to use Weka in the Web Lab of the CS department?

  1. How to use Weka in the Web Lab of the CS department?

    Weka is installed in the Web Lab (S-3-28) of the CS department. In order to apply for the door code and computer account in the Web Lab, a student must apply for his class account in the CS Department's Unix/PC lab (S-3-158). There are two steps. Step 1 must be done in the first week of the class.

    1. Students need to apply for a course account. Go to the Unix/PC lab, at a Sun workstation, and use a "console session" to avoid Xwindows, login as user apply with password apply. Then, follow the instructions on the screen to register to CS670 or CS470.
    2. To use Weka, please go to the Web Lab.
    Students must do step 1 (register for a course account) as soon as possible. Otherwise, the system administrator will not be able to generate accounts for step 2.


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