- Announcements
- hw1 part 1 – due right now
- hw1 part 2 – due Tuesday night
- Questions
- Agenda
- turnin
- Object oriented programming (bank simulation)
- XEmacs
- Do ask in class when you
- have come with a question
- are a little confused
- think I have made a mistake
- think others might learn from your question/insight
- Don’t ask
- just to show off
- if you are completely lost (come see me instead)
- if you haven’t read the book and hw and your email
- what happened in a class you missed
- after class about something in the class
- Ask (in email)
- after you have tried to solve your problem, but before you’ve wasted 8
hours stuck in one place
- with enough detail so that I can help
- Don’t expect immediate feedback
- I may cc question and answer to class
- Do correspond with your friends
- No junk mail
- turnin system: http://turnin.cs.umb.edu/ (available by Monday, perhaps
- Instructions: follow link on course web page
- Your user name (all lower case)
- up to 6 characters from last name
- balance to 8 characters from first name
- John Kennedy ®
- Clark Kent ®
- Wei Liu ®
- Password: passwd (change it!)
- The (software) world consists of objects
- Each object is an instance of a class
- An object has
- fields that describe what it looks like (its state)
- methods that describe how it behaves
- One object sends a message to another asking it to use one of its
methods to do some work
- Add italicized words to your vocabulary
- Illustrate these abstractions with bank example in Java
- File BankAccount.java describes BankAccount objects (instances of class
- BankAccount.java has two audiences
- people (programmers like us)
- the Java compiler
- Java files always start with comments
- a convention good programs honor
- not a rule in the Java language, but a rule for us
- Comments are for people to read: Java doesn’t care
- // text up to end of line is a comment
- /** special javadoc comment – more later */
- /* old style comment– rare */
- Each field has a type, a name and a value
- BankAccount object picture
- Code in BankAccount.java tells type (int, for integer) and name (balance
– good choice by programmer)
- Value (999) may change from time to time
- From Bank.java, showing types and names of four fields
- type name
- 22 private String bankName; // Bank’s name
- 23
- 24 private Terminal atm; // talks to customer
- 25
- 26 private BankAccount account1;
- 27 private BankAccount account2;
- Conventions:
- Class names always begin with an upper case letter
- Field names always begins with a lower case letter
- If type is a class then value is that kind of object
- Ask an object to work for you: send it a message
- Bank.java (line 116)
- account.deposit(amount) this Bank object sends a deposit
message to object account of type BankAccount
- Java syntax: object.message(info)
- syntax: what the program looks like on the page
- deposit method in BankAccount.java does the work
- BankAccount has several methods:
- deposit (int amount) // line 47
- add amount to current balance, changing value of balance field
- getBalance( ) // line 58
- tell whoever sent the message how much money is in this account (value
of balance field)
- balance does not change
- the empty parentheses tell us this method needs no information from the
sender to do its job
- Ask an object to work for you: send it a message
- Bank.java (line 126)
- atm.println(“sorry, . . . ”) this Bank object sends a println message to object atm of type Terminal asking
it to print a String on the screen
- Java syntax: object.message(info)
- println(String something) method in Terminal.java
does the work
- Trust Terminal.java to do the right thing
- Part 1 (hard copy due right now)
- Play with Bank simulation
- Part 2 (collected electronically Tuesday night)
- Play with Bank simulation
- Improve the Bank simulation
- Write about your coding and testing
- prettyprint tab, java ® indent
- compile ctrl-x ctrl-m
- tools ® compile ® compile
- loop through compiler errors
ctrl-x ` (backquote)
tools ®
compile ®
next error
- run programs ctrl-x ctrl-r
tools ®
shell ®
- learn from XEmacs/Java tutorial