- Announcements
- final exam Thursday, May 20, 8:00 AM McCormack, Floor 01, Room
0608 (easier than
last Tuesday’s!)
- wise0 due tonight
- Agenda
- Questions (WISE and otherwise)
- Persistence
- GUI programming
- Interfaces
- Bank and Juno should remember state between invocations
- read state from a file at startup
- write state back to file at exit
- Can imagine a text representation of the state
- Better: Java knows how to save whole Objects
- Bank instance can be saved to a file
- java Bank –f bankFileName
- live demo …
- if –f bankFileName && file exists
- read Bank from that file
- else create new Bank()
- visit bank
- if –f bankFileName
- write Bank to that file
- public class Bank
implements Serializable
- java Bank –f bankFileName
- if (bankFileName == null) {
theBank = new Bank( bankName );
- }
- else {
- theBank = readBank
- ( bankName, bankFileName );
- }
- private static Bank readBank(
String bankName, String
bankFileName) {
- File file = new File(
bankFileName ); if
(!file.exists()) {
return new Bank( bankName );
} ObjectInputStream
inStream = null; try { inStream
= new ObjectInputStream(
new FileInputStream( file ) ); Bank bank = (Bank)inStream.readObject(); System.out.println( "Bank state read
from file " + bankFileName); return bank;
- }
- BankAccount and Month are also Serializable
- Bank box-and-arrow picture shows that all objects of all types are
pointed to (indirectly) by arrows starting in the Bank
- private transient Terminal atm;
- Terminal not saved when Bank is saved
- new Java keyword implements, as in public class Bank implements Serializable
- {. . .}
- Serializable is an interface, not a class
- Find out about interfaces in cs210 (and a little bit soon)
- Java 1.5 does a cleaner job with persistence
- Fun
- some introductory courses start here
- requires hardware support (PCs)
- maybe more in CS110 in time
- GUI syntax: what windows look like - containers and components
- GUI semantics: how windows behave – event driven programming
- System does lots of work for you
- Learn the APIs, use software tools
- AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)
- Abstract class Container
- subclasses: Panel, Window, Frame
- methods: add, setLayout
- Abstract class Component
- subclasses: Button, Checkbox, Textfield,
- Up to date Java GUI programmers use swing:
- classes: JButton, JTextfield,…
- or they use GUI builders
- class JOIPanel extends Applet extends Panel
- init method creates a button and adds it to this Panel, sets font:
- 38 button = new Button(
"Press Me" );
- 39 this.add( button );
- 40 font = new
Font.BOLD, 48);
- Add a listener to the button
- 43 button.addActionListener( new
JOIButtonListener( this ) );
- When button is pressed, system sends an actionPerformed message to the listener
- To see what happens, look at method actionPerformed in class
- // constructor remembers the Panel
- 27 public JOIButtonListener ( JOIPanel panel
- 28 {
- 29 this.panel = panel;
- 30 }
- // send panel a changeMessage message now!
- 41 public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
- 42 {
- 43 panel.changeMessage();
- 44 }
- In JOIPanel: change the message and ask the system to repaint:
- 51 public void changeMessage()
- 52 {
- 53 currentMessage =
- 54
currentMessage.equals(MESSAGE1) ? MESSAGE2 : MESSAGE1;
- 55 this.repaint();
- 56 }
- repaint( ) (which is really super.repaint( )) invokes paint( )
- A Graphics object is like a programmable pen or paintbrush
- 67 public void paint(Graphics g)
- 68 {
- 69 g.setColor(Color.black);
- 70 g.setFont(font);
- 71 g.drawString(currentMessage,
40, 75);
- 72 }
- as an application
- > java JOIPanel
- public static void main( String[] args )
- {
- Terminal t = new Terminal();
- Frame frame = new Frame();
- JOIPanel panel = new
- panel.init();
- frame.add(panel);
- frame.setSize(400,120);
- frame.show();
- t.readLine("return to
close window ");
- System.exit(0);
- }
- as an applet from a browser: file joi.html
- <html>
- <body>
- <applet code="JOIPanel.class" height=100
- </applet>
- </body>
- </html>
- An interface is like a very abstract class
- no fields
- only abstract methods
- A class that implements an interface promises to implement its abstract
- public class JOIButtonListener
implements ActionListener
- public class JOIApplet extends Applet
implements ActionListener
- { ...
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
- {
- currentMessage = currentMessage.equals(MESSAGE1) ?
- this.repaint();
- }
- Juno CLI prompts for input when it wants it => the program is in control
- Juno GUI sits waiting for user input from anywhere mouse can go, then
takes action
=> the user is in control (event driven)
- > java Juno –g
- .