Due dates:
turnin: Thursday, February 19, when labs close
Read the first part of Chapter 3 in JOI and get hard copy of TextFile.java.
in Chapter 1. You can find the source code on the web page or the JOI CD.
Do not worry about "scope" since we haven't talked about it yet.
You need not understand anything about what the Lens class does in order to do this exercise. You just need to know how to read Java. Of course you can compile and run and study the TrafficLight application if you like.
Most of this is straightforward, but there are a few places where you may find it difficult to figure out what is going on. If you are confused, try to explain why in your memo. An honest discussion of what is puzzling is worth more than a wrong guess. Don't fake an answer in hopes of getting it right.
instance at line 163 of the main method in
class TextFile and then one representing the state at line 174.
Make sure your work is neat and labelled with your name and section
number. Turn it in in class.
From: Ethan Bolkerto: eb@cs.umb.edu Subject: interactive testing Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:37:01 -0500 (EST) There should be NO interactive testing in your TextFile main method. If you write code that requires user input the script we run to test your program will wait forever, and the graders will be very annoyed ... You will have to find another way to see that your setModDate really works. That may mean writing a test and running it and talking about the results in your memo but not including that code in the TextFile.java you turn in.