I response to a reasonable request from class I will (try to) post here notes on the classes. Entries will be blog order - most recent first. Writing in html will be faster than creating TeX/pdf. Tuesday, December 4

Planarity, Kuratowski's theorem, Euler's formula

Tuesday, November 25

Paths in graphs. Bridges of Konigsberg (Euler paths and circuits), Round the World (Hamilton paths and circuits).

Graph coloring, chromatic number, four color theorem

Thursday, November 18

Graphs. Edges, vertices, degrees

Examples of big graphs: the web, Erdos numbers. Connectedness, average degree of a vertex, components

Erdos references

Standard graphs. Complete graph - simplices in R^n

The cubic graph, cubes in R^n, labelling vertices with bitstrings

Tuesday, November 18

Redid the proof that equivalence relations and partitions were essentially the same thing, and then showed that surjections were essentially the same thing too.

Started thinking about graphs.

Thursday, November 13

Partitions - examples, and a formal definition. Bell numbers count them.

Equivalence relations - defined "reflexive", "symmetric", "transitive" and then defined "relation" - a set of ordered pairs of elements from some universe U - that is, asubset of UxU.

I ended the class showing that partitions and equivalence relations are essentially the same thing, described differently.

This is all standard discrete mathematics. You can find definitions and examples in Bender and Williamson and all over the net. Google "equivalence relation" and "partition", find sites that explain things in a way you're comfortable with.

Thursday, October 30 - Thursday November 6

Counting to infinity. Started with Hilbert's Hotel as a concrete example introducing the idea of a a one to one correspondence as a way to "count" without numbers - that is, a way to say that two sets are "the same size".

Treated the same idea more formally, with bijections, a definition of infinite, \Aleph_0 and countability. Showed that 2^{\Aleph_0) is a larger infinity than \Aleph_0 - i.e. it's uncountable. Discussed Cantor's diagonalization method in several examples, related back to Hilbert's Hotel (committees of mathematicians) and connected this kind of argument to the halting problem.

As usual, you can find all of this material on the web with sensible search terms.

Tuesday, October 28

Digital signatures (briefly)

Starting on sets, relations, functions, ... You can read about this stuff in Bender and Williamson

Thursday, October 23. Cryptography.

After a very brief introduction of the private key system

encrypt(M) = C = M + k (mod n)
decrypt(C) = M = C - k (mod n)
I proceeded immediately to the RSA private key system. Alice finds two large primes p and q and chooses an e relatively prime to n = (p-1)(q-1). She publishes n and e. If Bob wants to send Alice a secret message M he encrypts with
encrypt(M) = C = M^e (mod n)
In the meanwhile, Alice has calculated the multiplicative inverse d of e mod (p-1)(q-1), which she can do with the Euclidean algorithm but no one else can do quickly without factoring n. Then
decrypt(C) = M = C^d (mod n)
Proving that decryption works depends on Fermat's Little Theorem and on a special case of the Chinese Remainder Theorem that I glossed over in class.

I followed the discussion in Rosen's text. You can read about this algorithm in many places on the web.

Tuesday, October 21. Fermat's Little Theorem

We did a few examples that suggested that when p is prime and 1 < a < p

a^(p-1) == 1 (mod p)
(I write == for the triple equal sign for congruence since it's quicker that way in html).

That's in fact true. I showed two proofs available on the Fermat's Little Theorem wikipedia page.

The following outline is based on what I did the last time I taught this course. This time may differ. I will try to update this page as we go along ...