Day |
Date |
Class work |
Due |
T |
7 Sep | Introduction |
Th |
9 Sep |
2:30 Discussion of Brooks, The
Mythical Man Month 4:15 Project presentation (Lesley Wojcik, MGH) |
hw1 (response to Brooks) |
T |
14 Sep | TROY CONFERENCE ROOM 2:30 Project presentation (Prof Rob Stevenson, Biology Department) 3:30 Project presentation (Lorraine Theroux, Joseph P. Manning Elementary School) 4:30 Project presentation (Dr. Kevin Hughes, MGH) |
hw1 (home page, cv) |
Th |
16 Sep |
no class (Jewish holiday for me) Finish reading Brooks Read (some of) Kent Beck's Extreme Programming Explained |
T | 21 Sep |
12:30 - 1:30 Kent Beck, keynote address at
SDExpo (Hynes Auditorium) 2:30 Project presentation (Prof Brian White, Biology Department) after class: SDExpo reception (free food) if you want to go back downtown |
Th |
23 Sep |
2:30: Project selection 4:00: Discussion of Beck, XP |
hw2 (reactions to project presentations, expo, Beck) |
T |
28 Sep |
Team selection interviews - see schedule |
hw3 (project choice cover letter) |
Th |
30 Sep |
2:30: Team selection announcements, first team
tasks, transparency 4:00: First team meeting |
Tu |
5 Oct | 2:30: Reports from team meetings (3:00: Medical data team leaves for MGH) 4:00: Second team meeting |
Th | 7 Oct |
2:30 Sourceforge, CVS 4:00: Team meetings |
hw4 (first team deliverables) |
M |
Oct |
T |
12 Oct |
2:30: Team meetings 4:00: Ellen Glusman - building quality software |
Th | 14 Oct |
2:30: Report from teams, Project web page review 4:00: Team meetings |
hw5 (Project vision statement, web site) |
T | 19 Oct |
2:30: Department Colloquium - Lippman on C++ and
the Microsoft CLI 4:00: Team meetings |
Th | 21 Oct |
2:30: Joel
on Software discussion 4:00: Team meetings |
hw6 (Joel on Software) |
T |
26 Oct |
2:30: Joel
on Software discussion continued 4:00: Team meetings |
Th |
28 Oct |
2:30: What's an ERS? 4:00: Team meetings |
T | 2 Nov | 2:30: Web page review - other
CS681/3 projects 4:00: Team meetings |
Th | 4 Nov | Looking for venture capital - project
presentations |
hw7 (Project
presentation) |
T | 9 Nov | 2:30: Feedback
from project presentations. 4:00: Team meetings |
Th | 11 Nov |
T | 16 Nov |
2:30-5:15: Mike West - Real World Project
Management (BMC Software) |
Th | 18 Nov |
2:30: Adam
Leffert - Myths and Realities of Bootstrapping a Software
Company ( 4:00: Team meetings |
Tu | 23 Nov |
2:30: Jun Suzuki, Model Driven
Development 4:00: Team meetings |
hw8 (Readings on MDD) |
Th |
25 Nov |
T | 30 Nov |
Th | 2 Dec |
2:30: Team Meetings 4:00: Dan Keefe, UMB MS19xx, title TBA |
ERS draft due |
T |
7 Dec |
ERS critiques, review of other cs681 project web
sites |
Th | 9 Dec |
2:30: Project progress presentations (ref and
MGX) 4:00: Team meetings, ACM Chapter talk on game programming |
Tu | 14 Dec |
2:30: Project progress presentations (twist and
GODS) 4:00: CS Department end of semester party |
ERS due |