Rough draft of Spring deliverables (team independent, except for S2S) ------------------------------------------------------- March 1: Something that really works, to show the client. One step build - start numbering releases, perhaps at 0.5 Bug list in place (shouldn't be empty!) On the way to that deliverable: Schedule with weekly boolean benchmarks Decision about minimal functionality to aim for Arrange meeting with client for some day ~ March 1 In class March 4: 15 minute report Talk from bullet points (on wiki page) about the month's accomplishments short live demo (except for s2s) Talk from bullet points (on wiki page) about April 1 goals ------------------------------------------------------- April 1: Release with sufficient functionality so that it's actually useful to the client. Release 0.8? Installation - script download/run from web page to client machine Documentation (on line and hard copy) Test plan Bugs fixed as found On the way to that deliverable: Schedule with weekly boolean benchmarks Decision about functionality to aim for (consult client for priorities) Arrange to have client download and test by himself Recruit testers (cs410 students?) Note: this period includes spring break, so you have a chance to get a solid week's work in. Plan well. ------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, April 9. (Note Wednesday date so you can finish the job at team meeting in class on Tuesday) Detailed schedule for the month of April. Hardware requirements for May parties - computers, internet access (to what machines on what ports if not port 80) Thursday April 24. Dress rehearsal for party poster and demo. The early date gives you time to fix new bugs found and incorporate script and documentation improvements. I will try to find a venue in the Campus Center, so we can test internet access. (Done - wireless works for all teams.) I will get as many of my cs410 students as possible to come as a sample audience. (Joel's hallway testers.) You provide alpha release of final product list telling me which of you will be at each of the parties (at least two people - more would be better) draft poster and testing scripts Thursday, May 1: Beta release of final product Stable application Documentation Bug List Installation One step build (instructions) Clean wiki and web page Friday, May 2: CS Alumni/ae Party. Poster session with live demo. I will invite your clients. Poster Computers with running application, visible web site and wiki Script for visitors to follow when sitting at the keyboard in front of your app - posted on web page, hard copy. This is like a tutorial. It could be part of your application help. May ?: CS Department spring party. Poster session with live demo - same as above Thursday, May 8: Release 1.0 Tuesday, May 13: Maintenance release 1.0x