CS682 hw4 - First Project Deliverables
Ethan Bolker
Fall 2007

Due Tuesday, October 2.

  1. Zeroth draft of a project web page, on which to post everything. I have put links to (blank) pages on the course web page, and made the directories group writeable. (Joelle or Bruce: you have my permission to use your privileges to set the sticky bits there so that additions to those directories inherit the right permissions.)

    Think of this page as the home page for your small, underfunded startup company. Don't spend time right now on web design. Just make a place to put the information that needs to be public. But schedule time to make it clean and inviting, easy to navigate, error free and up to date.

    You might want to look at the project pages from my classes from 2004, 2003 and 2002 and for TREAT. They're not perfect (nothing is) but they may suggest things you want to imitate in time.

    All work in progress should be publicly accessible on this page. That applies to each of the items discussed below. Eventually this page will contain a link to the project wiki, and you can move things there.

    Since MGX and Third Ear are ongoing projects those teams will have to find a way to refer to previous incarnations on this year's project page.

    Note: although you are likely to have a project webmaster, all postings on this page are the collective responsibility of the team.

  2. Draft of letter (email) to the customer. Introduce yourselves. Say politely but not effusively how pleased you are to be working on this project. Start arranging the first meeting - ask for possible times, perhaps suggest some. Send the draft to me.

  3. Think about project/company name, perhaps an acronym, a logo and a vision statement. (Ongoing projects have a head start here.)

  4. Risk analysis. What are the major problems you foresee, and how might you go about preventing them?

  5. Preliminary thoughts on process: think about questions like: What kind of organization do you want? How will you divide responsibilities?

  6. Preliminary assessment of software and hardware support you will need from the Department (not from your clients). Some projects may need a dedicated server. Others may need the .NET framework (available for installation on your own PCs if you need it). It's important to have this soon since there's sometimes lead time needed to get it from the lab staff. (I have already asked for PC and weblab access for all.)

  7. A short term schedule showing when each of these items will be completed, and who is primarily responsible for each. The schedule might even show when drafts should be completed and circulated, so that you don't arrive at the completion date with outstanding unresolved issues.

  8. Minutes from the first meeting.

  9. Other items that occur to you ...perhaps as a result of our class discussion.

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