CS682 Homework 5
Ethan Bolker
Fall 2007

  1. A solid start constructing scenarios. These need not (yet) be formal use cases. We're looking now for narratives with as much detail as possible (from the user's point of view).

    Many small stories are better than few long ones. If you write long ones they should have identifiable small pieces. That way you will be able to construct verifiable milestones for your delivery schedule.

    For some projects, screen prototypes may help you formulate your ideas and communicate with your customer, but they are neither necessary nor sufficient. You need prose too.

    You could begin looking for a use case template (See link on course home page). Or plan to use the project wiki.

    You can find sample scenarios and use cases at http://cheetah.cs.umb.edu/twiki/bin/view/CS410/CS410s06/KICSWikiHome and http://cheetah.cs.umb.edu/twiki/bin/view/CS410/CS410s07/TreatWikiHome.

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