Fall, 2009
Due: Tuesday, September 22, in class (hard copy!)
Start this assignment right after class on Tuesday the 15th!
This assigment asks again for a short written document. More writing
will be required later in this course, and more still when you go to
work in the software industry. So learn to write.
- Anything worth writing is worth writing well. A first draft is
just that, and rarely well written, so plan on several drafts, with
editing and rewriting from one to the next.
You will discover that when you
rewrite you improve the ideas as well as the way you express them.
Don't plan to dash something
off just in time to turn it in.
- I expect grammatical English, free of spelling errors. Spelling
and grammar checking tools in your word processor can help - use them
- but they can't catch all the errors. If you're in doubt, have a
friend proofread your work.
- If your native language isn't English I will take that into
account. I understand how hard you must work to
read and write in a new language. I'm sure I wouldn't do as well
in yours as you do in mine. Make the writing assignments in this
course an opportunity to improve your English.
Write a few paragraphs responding to each of the six possible
projects we have heard about:
- VisitMe - facebook (Paul English)
- STUDDI (Nick Anzalone)
- IPhone DB query (Kevin Osborne)
- Agile dashboard (Jonathan Krentel)
- Voicewize catalog (Barb Arboleda)
- Evolution tree (Brian White)
Fill out the
project ratings form.
The questions on the form suggest some of the things you might want to
address in your paragraphs. But do write paragraphs, don't just use
the questions as if they were items on a test.
In class we will decide (collectively)
which of these we will take on. Be prepared to contribute to that