CS 681 Software Engineering
Ethan Bolker
Fall, 2002
This is the home page for cs681-682-683, the MS capstone project
course in software engineering.
A brief outline of my view of the course - essentially, notes for the
first class.
Class list
home pages and
email addresses for students enrolled in this class.
Class meetings
Fall: MW 4:00-6:45PM (16:00-18:45) (with a break, of course). Room
Spring MW 5:30-6:45 (17:30-18:45), usually reserved for team meetings
but used occasionally for class work.
I will keep the one in
$cs681/681syllabus.html reasonably up
to date.
SourceForge is cooperating with us in an experiment hosting student
projects. You can see what they are up to at
You can see what we are up to at our local sourceforge page.
Another cs681/682
Since I am teaching this course for the first time, and
Bill Campbell has taught it
often, I will often be following his lead. On
the home page for his section, at
you will find his description of the course and the work it
requires, some hints about how
to do well in it, grading philosophy, a list of textbooks and his syllabus.
Finding me
My office is in S-3-179, behind the Department office. I will be in my
office Monday and Wednesday afternoons until class time (unless
there's a meeting I need to go to) and other times I'll post in my
I will rarely be available after class.
I read and
respond to my
email (eb@cs.umb.edu) regularly.
My office phone is (617)287-6444. You can find my home phone on my
.plan. Please use it rarely (for emergencies) and not after 9 PM.
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers
guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students
with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may obtain
adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability
Services, M-1-401, (617-287-7430). The student must present these
recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a
reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.
Student Conduct
Students are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic
Standards and Cheating, to the University Statement on Plagiarism and
the Documentation of Written Work, and to the
Code of Student Conduct
as delineated in the catalog of Undergraduate Programs, pp. 44-45, and
48-52. The Code is available online at
For my own elaboration on the rules concerning the acknowledgment of
intellectual debt, particularly appropriate in this course where the
focus is on teamwork, see