CS681 Homework 4
Ethan Bolker
Fall 2002
This assignment is the first due from the teams. You should produce
- A project vision statement. This should be written by the team
and approved by the customer. It should be short and sharp. Perhaps
imagine it as a piece of marketing literature.
You should have a good name for the project, with a good
- A statement explaining how you plan to organize your team.
- A preliminary schedule for project deliverables.
A public web site for the project, with a link to the vision
statement and a nice logo.
A private web site with links to all the project documents, and a link
to the public web site. In principle this should be viewable only by
me and by team members, but it can be public for the moment.
Remember to register to hear
Gosling at the
Software Development Conference and Expo (http://www.sdexpo.com/).
This assignment is due on Wednesday, October 16.
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