
October 16, 2007


4pm – 5:45pm


CS Unix Lab Room


Keith, Joelle, Tim, Pragna, Swami


-         Discuss progress on MMIX  understanding

-         Review User Interface Choices

            -     Discuss progress with hardware requests

            -     Review team member’s  progress with assignments

            -     Discuss Swami’s impression of project homepage

            -     Review proposed project schedule

            -     Review functional requirements


Assignment to build SWIG wrapper for factorial.c program, and add components to single build script.

-         Joelle had some initial difficulties using cygwin, but was able to resolve, and build a successful SWIG wrapper.

-         Pragna is working on a single build script using ANT and make   file.

Cross-platform building for SWIG interface will require dll’s for windows and .so libraries for *nix platforms.   

-         Joelle will investigate possibility of gcc creating the dll if possible, otherwise a separate build using a windows compiler (Visual C++) will  be necessary

Current web page layout/design

-         Consideration of Project Name discussed

-         Last updated timestamp will be manually done until WIKI/TRAC machine is used.

Hardware requests

-         Requirements discussed for possible Linux box for TRAC, build

machine. Joelle is contact with Professor Cheung to see if  machine will meet requirements. User privileges an issue.

User Interface

-         Determined  that a stand alone Java application will be used instead of an Eclipse plug-in. JFace/SWT libraries that are used to build Eclipse can be used to build a rich client. JFace/SWT in Action book provides steps and examples to doing this.

 Calendar/Schedule Proposal

-         Adjustments made for current situation.

-         Keith and Tim will concentrate on writing documentation and Pragna and Joelle will combine efforts to get ANT/SWIG/JUnit testing for single build.

-         API with dummy methods for SWIG interface for mmix-simulator package will be needed so Keith and Tim will be able to call methods from UI portion of application.


-         Character set must be Unicode throughout application.

-         Code Reviews will be needed. Will be worked into calendar and adjusted as needed.

Next Time:

-Read more of MMIX Volume 1 to get a better understanding of MMIX architecture (reserved registers, memory allocation, variables, pseudovariables )

-Determine how to bind c* to java type in SWIG  to get mmotype

 in Java interface.

-Update on each member’s progress.

- Plan needed for Presentation

- Documentation/Specification discusssion