CSIT115 Programming Project 1, due Tues, Feb. 18 in your it115/p1 directory

0.      Important: Get a UNIX account for this class. Go to S/3/158 and ask how to do it, or ssh to apply.cs.umb.edu, login as “apply”, password “apply” and follow the directions.  Do this by Tues., Feb 11 for full credit. It takes longer to get an account if you wait too long to do it.

1.      Exercise 12 on page 497.  Write the method priceIsRight as specified and a main program that creates the array bids as specified in the problem, and calls the method with bids and 280, and prints out the answer. Use Java file PriceRight.java.

The program consists of one static method named priceIsRight and the main method. The method priceIsRight has two arguments, an int array of bids and the correct price. It has an int return value which returns the winning bid, for any given array of bids and correct price.

The main method sets up the array of bids as specified and calls the method as shown in the problem. It picks up the return value in an int variable, and then prints out results as shown below.

This program takes no input from the user. It can be run by “java PriceRight” after being compiled with “javac PriceRight” or compiled inside Dr. Java. It should output the array and the winning bid, like this:

The bids are: 200, 300, 250, 1, 950, 40

The winning bid is 250.


2.      Project 1 on page. 498. Call your program AddBigInts.  Use a method for the addition. Note that a method can return an array as its return value.

 The program contains a static method named addBigInts (or whatever you want to call it) and the main method. The method addBigInts has two arguments, each an int array to hold the digits of the number. It returns an int array, or, if you prefer, has a third array argument for the answer.

The main method sets up two arrays of ints from numbers input from the user, say x[] and y[].First ask the user for the number of digits, then the digits themselves. Then have main call the method  like this int[] sum = addBigInts(x,y), or addBigInts(x, y, sum) if you want to use an argument for the sum. Then the two numbers and their sum is printed out, as shown below for an example.

To get single digits from the user, modify getGuess and getInt from NumberGuess3, pg. 355, to insist on numbers between 0 and 9. But get rid of “guess” in your code—these are not guesses!

Thus the program should have three static methods, addBigInts, getDigit, and getInt, as well as main.

The program can be run by “java AddBigInts” after being compiled with “javac AddBigInts” or compiled inside Dr. Java.

Welcome to the big integer adder

How many digits?  4

First number:

Digit 3: 2

Digit 2: 3

Digit 1: 4

Digit 0: 5

Second number:

Digit 3: 1

Digit 2: 1

Digit 1: 1

Digit 0: 9

First:  2345

Second: 9119

Sum:   11464


Of course these are not large numbers, but this approach scales up. Note how the 9 + 5 step yields 14, which puts 4 in the answer and carries 1 to the next digit. 

3.      Consider PointMain.java on pp. 530-531. You can download it from the authors’ website  (directory Point_5_fancy) using a link on the class web page.  Modify PointMain to use JDK Points by adding “import java.awt.*” at the top of the program. Delete the lines that call method “distanceFrom Origin”.  Modfiy PointMain to print out the two points like this, using their values, so that other points would also work. 

                                                                                                    Side Notes, not expected in output:  

9 |                              |    60 spaces between |s, 3 for each spot

8 |                              |   

7 |                              |   

6 |                              |   

5 |                              |   

4 |                              |   

3 |             o                |    p2 is at (4,3)

2 |                      x       |    p1 is at (7,2)

1 |                              |   

0 |                              | 

    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9    (2 spaces between digits, x axis)


Change the code to p1.translate(1,1);  p2.translate(-1,-1); and print it out again:


9 |                              |   

8 |                              |   

7 |                              |   

6 |                              |   

5 |                              |   

4 |          o                   |   

3 |                              |   

2 |                              |   

1 |                         x    |   

0 |                              | 

    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Note: these points are not plotted correctly--you figure out where they should be.

 Note: it’s best to do the printing in a method that you call twice, but not required here. That’s the next problem.

4.       Generalize your code from problem 3 to write method void printPoints(Point[] points) that prints up to 5 points on the same kind of text grid using symbols x, o, +, *, and #, which you set up in a String array so you can iterate through them.  Rewrite PointMain into Plotter.java for this.  If the array has more than 5 points, ignore the extra points.