CS 115L - IT 115L Programming in Java 2
Spring, 2013
Betty (really Elizabeth) O'Neil


CS115/IT115 is the second course in the two-course version of introductory Java programming. Here we learn about objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism and recursion. The two-semester sequence covers the same topics as CS 110.

But, this does not mean that this is a lighter course. In each of the semesters we have more graded programming assignments than does CS 110. Programming is best learned by practice and these assignments will give you the chance to practice. Be prepared to spend lots of time on your work for this course. In return for your hard work, you will have learned a lot about programming and, more importantly, you will have had lots of practice in the art of computer programming.

This page will be the home of the website and/or wiki for this course. Currently it is available at www.cs.umb.edu/cs115 and www.cs.umb.edu/it115, both of which are redirected to my directory www.cs.umb.edu/~eoneil/csit115.  We may also have a wiki, not yet set up.

Outcome: students will understand the OOP concepts of inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism for reference variables including widening and narrowing conversions.


The following text is required. Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp. Building Java Programs, second edition, Addison-Wesley. isbn-13: 978-0-13-609181-3. Paperback. You can purchase this at the UMB Bookstore, or get it from Amazon


These are mostly in the order of the book, but inheritance is deferred to the second half of the course as a more advanced topic.

To Do Now

Right away, you will want to do the following:

  1. Get a copy of the text book (see above).
  2. Install the required software on your computer (see below).
  3. Make sure you have a umb.edu email account. If you don't have a password yet, get one (find out how from the help desk page) from IT. Your email name will be the same as your wiser name. We will use this name to join and log into the wiki.
  4. On the first day of class, get a Unix account and apply for a folder for this class (see below).


We shall use DrJava together with jdk6 or jdk7 - version 6 or 7 of Java. DrJava is available on the public PC's in the CS department's computer room. You can also download both Java and DrJava onto your own personal computer should you wish to work at home:

Dealing with Unix

You will want to be able to submit folders containing your homework onto the departments Unix system network. You will be placing these folders into the cs115 directory, which has been created for you. It is best to do this from your own computer, using an sftp client; there are several sftp clients that have gui interfaces and so are easy to use.

On Windows, you may use SSH Communications Software Download. On Linux, there is probably a GUI client for both sftp and ssh; search Google for your version of Linux. If you like the command line, use Open SSH (you likely already have the client). On the Mac you may use the free sftp client Fugu, or just use the command line in Terminal with the command scp. Whether you use Windows, Linux or a Mac, you will want to transfer your it114 solution folders to our network at users.cs.umb.edu.

You will need a Unix account for this course. To apply for a Unix account if you do not already have one, you have one of two choices:

  1. In the computer lab in the CS department, on one of the SunBlades, don't use the regular login window, but get a "console session" login: select "Options". "Command Line Login" and you will get text. Press the "Return Key" once or twice until you get a "login" prompt. Type "apply" (you are logging in as the special user, apply), hit the "Return" key again, and type "apply" again (but this time for the password). Follow the instructions on the screen.
  2. From anywhere else (including home), connect remotely: use ssh to access the host address "apply.cs.umb.edu" using either port 22 or port 80. Login as user "apply" with password "apply". and follow the instructions on your screen.

In either case, you will want to apply for an account for this class, it115 (even if you are in cs115). You will be asked to supply a user name and a password. Choose a user name that is identifiable, (mine is from my first inital and last name, eoneil). For a password, choose one that satisfies the Windows rules:

There is a good reason for this: when you get a Unix account, you will automatically get a Windows account; this way you won't need two passwords.

Reaching Me

My office is S-3-169; it is in the corner of the building facing the water and Boston. My office hours are TuTh 2:30-3:30 and 6:15-6:45. My office telephone number is 617-287-6445; my home telephone number is 617-354-6460. Please do not telephone me at home before 9:30 am or after 9:30 pm. My email address is eoneil@cs.umb.edu; I read my email regularly.

If you have a question about something you don’t understand outside of class, use the discussion group associated with the particular assignment. Perhaps one of your classmates will answer it. Perhaps I will. If your question is of a strictly personal nature, e.g. about a grade or a request for a face-to-face meeting, by all means use email. But beware: should your question be of the sort that the entire class may want the answer to, I’ll ask you to repost it on the discussion page. Get used to this site; it’s a good way to hold discussions over the Internet.


Links to Useful Documentation

A Few Important Notes

Should you have any problems or questions, contact me early; don't let small problems become big ones! Telephone me, visit me at my office or catch me after class to set up an appointment. Also, I encourage questions in class; if you don't understand something, there is a good chance others don't. I like questions.


Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services, Campus Center 2nd Floor, 2100 Street, Room 2010, 617-287-7430. The student must present these recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to follow the University's Code of Student Conduct. If you are caught cheating, we will follow the guidelines for punishment outlined in the code.
When you turn in work that you have discussed with someone, or which contains ideas that you found in a book, you must indicate that fact. We expect you to talk to each other and to read materials other than those assigned. We also expect to see in your work evidence that you have done so. Learning to acknowledge intellectual debts is part of learning. You should be reading, talking to each other, and telling the world that you have done so. When group work is called for the group solution should note whenever a part of the project was done by only a part of the group.
Some kinds of sharing, however, are unacceptable. You may not use the computer to copy someone's work and submit it as your own -- even if you acknowledge that theft! You may not have your friends do your work for you. Versions of some of the assignments in this course may have been given in previous years. You may not use answers to those assignments.