CSIT115 HW1 Review of static methods, Scanner, and arrays

Due in class, on paper, Thurs., Feb. 7

Many of these are worked out in the back of the book, but it's best to try them first on your own.

You can answer “OK” for up to 5 of them that are worked out in the book, meaning you fully understand the solution. Please keep the solutions in problem-number-order, and label each solution with the problem number (1-12).

1. problem 8, pg. 292
2. 13, pg. 293
3. 26, pg. 296
4. 3, pg. 296
5. 10, pg. 298. Return a double so average(3,4) is 3.5.
6. 9, pg. 360
7. 12, pg. 361
8. 17, pg. 362
9. 18, pg. 362
10. 8, pg. 418. The file readme.txt has 6 lines, 2 of which are blank.
11. 4, pg. 491
12. 7, pg. 492