CSIT hw3 due Thurs., Mar. 28 in class Solutions will be available Mar 29, on the class web page Note Midterm is Tues., Apr. 2 1. pg. 419, 13 Here the challenge is to write a static method named printBox that accepts a Scanner and the max width "width", and prints the boxed output to System.out. 2. pg. 549, 13 3. pg. 549, 15 4. pg. 549, 17 5. pg. 549, 22 You can just write down the method code here, rather than the whole class. 6. pg. 549, 23 7. pg. 551, 9 8. pg. 551, 11 9. pg. 622, 20 10. pg. 622, 21 11. pg. 623, 22 Ignore the parenthetical text (it refers to using inheritance, which we are skipping for now.) Also note that the solution in the appendix uses inheritance, so ignore that too. 12. pg 623, 23