1. Problem 1., pg. 616
2. 3, pg 616
3. 4, pg.617
4. 5, pg.617
5. 6, pg.617
6. 11, pg.619
7. 12, pg.620
8. 1, pg. 623. Note that the textbook website has a Marketer.java, but it’s not quite right to fit with Employee.java in the text itself, so fix it up to do so.
9. 4, pg. 623. Note that Ticket has one field, ticketNumber. The price of a ticket is determined by the subclass, but all Tickets (Tickets and its subclasses) should have a getPrice() method. That means class Ticket itself needs a getPrice method, but each subclass will override it. You can code getPrice() in Ticket to return -1, or use the “abstract” keyword as shown in line 27 of pg. 613 to avoid having to code it at all. Note the statement that no objects of class Ticket will be created, so the -1 return from getPrice() will never happen. We’ll get started on this in class.
10. 5, pg. 623.