CS/IT 115 Practice Final
Thanks to Bob Wilson’s Practice
Exams for CS110
1. Operations on Strings and
Given the following local
variable declarations :
String s = “abc”;
String a = “Did Hannah see
bees? Hannah did.”;
What is the value of the
following expressions ?
s.length() // a. ____________
a.charAt(5) // b. ____________
s.equals(a) // c. ____________
a.indexOf(“H”) // d. ____________
s.substring(1,3)// e. ____________
s + a.charAt(0) // f.______________
2. Operations with Classes and
Explain each fragment of code in
the left column with one or two numbers from the right column, so that all 10
numbers are used somewhere at least once.
a. ____ import java.util.ArrayList; 1. Uses Autoboxing (conversion int to
Integer, etc.)
b. ____ ArrayList<Integer> a =
new ArrayList<Integer>(); 2. Uses Auto Unboxing (conversion
Integer to int)
c. ____ a.add(6); 3. Allows
“ArrayList” to be used in the code.
d. ____ int small = a.get(0); 4. Creates a
non-String object (uses a constructor)
e. ____a.add(4); 5. Uses an
instance method
f. ____ small *= 2; 6. Creates an
reference variable for an object
g. ____ Integer big = small; 7. Uses a static method
h. ____ int max = 1000; 8. Creates and
initializes a local variable
i. _____Collections.sort(a); 9. Changes the
size of an ArrayList
j. ____ String x = “abc”; 10. Constructs a
Creates a primitive type variable
Changes a primitive type variable
3. ArrayLists.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ArrayTest
static void main(String [] args)
myList = new ArrayList<String>();
status; // for return value when needed
removed; // for return value when needed
write code to add "foo" and "bar" to the end of myList
write a line of code to add "never" at beginning of myList
write a line of code to remove the item at index 2 from myList
print the contents of myList
what prints?
4. Writing a simple class
Write a class Person with fields
String “name” and int “age”. Include a constructor method that sets the name
and the age based on arguments passed. Include getter methods for both fields,
and a setter for age. You can leave equals unimplemented, but do override
Object’s toString.
5. Client code for an object class. Suppose class PhoneNumber has the following
public class PhoneNumber
PhoneNumber(int areaCode, int exchange,
int localNumber)
int getAreaCode() // area code of number (3 digits)
setAreaCode(int newAreaCode) //
replace old area code with new one
int getExchange() //
exchange of number (3 digits)
int localNumber() // local number (4 digits)
boolean isValid() // true if all three numbers fit in the
#digits allowed
String toString()
// a String such as "617-354-5500"
Suppose this class is fully implemented in
PhoneNumber.java. Write a class
TestPhone.java that creates two phone numbers for 617-203-4444 and
617-203-5555, calls isValid() on each of them and prints them out if they are
invalid using the toString() method. Then write code to see if they have the
same area code and exchange, and print out “same exchange” if so. Finally, change the area code of the first number
to 688 and print out the new version of the number.
6. Interfaces. Continuing with PhoneNumber.java.
Turn the API methods for PhoneNumber (other than toString(), an Object method)
into an interface Phone.java. Show the
full source code for Phone.java. How do
you make PhoneNumber.java relate to the Phone interface?
7. Consider the setup of Project p3, with an
already loaded up. Write a helper method
for SysInventory.java named highestRoomNo that finds the highest room number of
any system in systems and returns it as its return value. Note that this code
can use the systems ArrayList directly, since it’s object
method code.
8. In Project p4, we read all the words
(Strings with no internal spaces) from words.txt into an
ArrayList<String> words. Write a
helper method named hasDuplicates that accepts words as a parameter and checks
whether or not there are duplicates among these given words, using the same
duplicate detection method used for the “codes” in the project. The method hasDuplicates
should return true if any duplicates exist, else false.
9. Inheritance. Consider the classes set up for
problem 11, pg. 619. Here is some
client code for those classes:
animals = new ArrayList<SeaCreature>();
a. Explain why we can add a Whale to an ArrayList<SeaCreature>,
given that add expects an
argument of type
What is printed out by
for (int i=0; i< animals.size(); i++) {
c. What
is printed out by