package pizza.dao; import org.hibernate.*; import pizza.persistence.HibernateUtil; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; //use static import to simplify use of constants-- import static pizza.dao.DBConstants.*; public class DbDAO { private Connection connection; // only used in initDB private String dbType; // This call creates new or finds old Hibernate Session for this thread public Session getSession() { // Here we avoid maintaining a Hibernate Session variable-- // See hibernate.cfg.xml for relevant setup: // With the JDBCTransactionFactory (good for single-DB, non-JTA case) and // hibernate.current_session_context_class=thread, Hibernate attaches // its Session to the current thread for us, and Transaction to Session // Also, at commit time Hibernate does a Session flush for us. return HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); } public DbDAO() { String hibernateDialect = HibernateUtil.getHibernateDialect(); if (hibernateDialect.contains("Oracle")) dbType = "oracle"; else if (hibernateDialect.contains("HSQL")) dbType = "hsql"; //there are 2 subtypes, MySQLInnoDB and MySQLMyISAM, lumped here-- else if (hibernateDialect.contains("MySQL")) dbType = "mysql"; else throw new RuntimeException("DAO does not support this hibernate dialect: " + hibernateDialect); } public String getDbType() { return dbType; } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } public void initializeDb() { // drop tables with FK cols before the tables they refer to try { connection = getSession().connection(); // JDBC connection from // Hibernate session dropTable(TOPPING_ORDER_TABLE); dropTable(TOPPING_TABLE); dropTable(ORDER_TABLE); dropTable(PIZZA_SIZE_TABLE); dropTable(SYS_TIME_TABLE); // Oracle auto-generated ids are based on sequences if (dbType.equals("oracle")) dropOracleSequence(); if (dbType.equals("oracle")) createOracleSequence(); // create tables that are ref'd by FK's before the tables with the FK // cols createToppingTable(); createPizzaSizeTable(); createOrderTable(); createToppingOrderTable(); createSysTimeTable(); connection = null; // don't use this again! } catch (Exception e) { // wrap the SQLException up, to be more like ordinary Hibernate // in not throwing checked exceptions throw new RuntimeException("initialize DB failed" + e.getMessage(), e); } } // Create table methods. // We concentrate the platform dependence in one overall createTable method // It requires us to specify the foreign key constraints separately since // they need special handling for mysql // Each FK constraint needs to be the full form // foreign key (column1) references table(column2) // in order to work for both Oracle and MySql (because of mysql // non-standardness) private void createOrderTable() throws SQLException { String[] foreignKeyRef = { "(size_id) references " + PIZZA_SIZE_TABLE + "(id)" }; createTable(true /* gen'd id */, "room_number integer not null, " + "size_id integer not null, " + "day integer not null, status integer not null", ORDER_TABLE, "id", foreignKeyRef, null); } private void createPizzaSizeTable() throws SQLException { createTable(true /* gen'd id */, "size_name varchar(" + MAX_SIZE_STR_SIZE + ") not null", PIZZA_SIZE_TABLE, "id", null, "unique (size_name)"); } private void createSysTimeTable() throws SQLException { createTable(false, "id integer, current_day integer not null, " + "last_report integer not null", SYS_TIME_TABLE, "id", null, null); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { stmt.execute("insert into " + SYS_TIME_TABLE + " values(1, 1, 0)"); } finally { stmt.close(); } } private void createToppingOrderTable() throws SQLException { String[] foreignKeyRef = { "(order_id) references " + ORDER_TABLE + "(id)", "(topping_id) references " + TOPPING_TABLE + "(id)" }; createTable(false, "order_id integer not null, topping_id integer not null", TOPPING_ORDER_TABLE, "order_id, topping_id", foreignKeyRef, null); } private void createToppingTable() throws SQLException { createTable(true /* gen'd id */, "topping_name varchar(" + MAX_TOPPINGS_STR_SIZE + ") not null", TOPPING_TABLE, "id", null, "unique(topping_name)"); } // creating a table with foreign key constraints is complicated by // the non-standard behavior of mysql. It requires us to create // an index on the FK column after the basic create table is done // and then do an alter table to add the constraint. private void createTable(boolean generateId, String colDecl, String tableName, String primaryKey, String[] foreignKeyRef, String constraints) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { String idGenDecl = ""; // put any non-gen'd ids in colDecl if (generateId) { idGenDecl += "id "; if (dbType.equals("hsql")) idGenDecl += HSQL_GENERATED_ID_TYPE; else if (dbType.equals("oracle")) idGenDecl += ORACLE_GENERATED_ID_TYPE; else if (dbType.equals("mysql")) idGenDecl += MYSQL_GENERATED_ID_TYPE; else throw new RuntimeException("unknown dbType" + dbType); idGenDecl += " , "; } String statement = "create table " + tableName + "(" + idGenDecl + colDecl; if (primaryKey != null) { statement += ", primary key(" + primaryKey + ")"; if (foreignKeyRef != null && !dbType.equals("mysql")) { for (int i = 0; i < foreignKeyRef.length; i++) { statement += ", foreign key" + foreignKeyRef[i]; } } } if (constraints != null) { statement += ", " + constraints; } statement += ")"; if (dbType.equals("mysql")) { statement += "TYPE = InnoDB"; // this type supports // transactions in mySQL } else if (dbType.equals("oracle")) { statement += "INITRANS 3"; // required for serializable // transactions in Oracle } stmt.execute(statement); // System.out.println(statement); // For mysql, need to create index and then alter table to get FK // constraint working if (dbType.equals("mysql") && foreignKeyRef != null) { for (int i = 0; i < foreignKeyRef.length; i++) { int colNameEnd = foreignKeyRef[i].indexOf(")"); String colName = foreignKeyRef[i].substring(1, colNameEnd); statement = "create index " + tableName + "_ix" + i + " on " + tableName + "(" + colName + ")"; // System.out.println(statement); stmt.execute(statement); statement = "alter table " + tableName + " add constraint " + tableName + "_fk_" + i; statement += " foreign key " + foreignKeyRef[i]; // System.out.println(statement); stmt.execute(statement); // System.out.println("done"); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } // Simplest setup for Oracle id generation: one sequence for everything private void createOracleSequence() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { String statement = "create sequence hibernate_sequence"; stmt.execute(statement); } finally { stmt.close(); } } private void dropOracleSequence() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { stmt.execute("drop sequence hibernate_sequence"); } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { stmt.close(); } } // for debugging: print any table, getting column names via MetaData JDBC // calls public void printTable(String tableName) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); System.out.println("Table " + tableName); System.out.println("-------------------"); try { try { ResultSet rset = stmt .executeQuery("select * from " + tableName); ResultSetMetaData meta = rset.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { String colName = meta.getColumnLabel(i); System.out.print(colName + " "); } System.out.println(); while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) System.out.print(rset.getString(i) + " "); System.out.println(); } System.out.println("================================"); } catch (SQLException e) { } } finally { stmt.close(); } } // for debugging public void printTables() { try { printTable(SYS_TIME_TABLE); printTable(ORDER_TABLE); printTable(PIZZA_SIZE_TABLE); printTable(TOPPING_TABLE); printTable(TOPPING_ORDER_TABLE); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("error in printTables: " + e); } finally { } } private void dropTable(String tableName) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { stmt.execute("drop table " + tableName); } catch (SQLException e) { // nothing here (but can throw in createStatement or close) } finally { stmt.close(); } } public void startTransaction() { getSession().beginTransaction(); } public void commitTransaction() { getSession().getTransaction().commit(); // this closes the Session } public void rollbackTransaction() { getSession().getTransaction().rollback(); } // If the caller has already seen an exception, they probably // don't want to handle a failing rollback, so they can use this. // Then the caller should issue its own exception, for example, // with the firstException set as the cause of its own exception public void rollbackAfterException() { try { rollbackTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { // discard secondary exception--probably server can't be reached } } }