Camera Ready Instructions
Attention: Oct 9th, 2012 is a firm deadline for all camera-ready copies!!!
- Submissions of camera-ready copies must be done through EasyChair.
- The following page limits apply:
Research papers: 8 pages
Position papers: 4 pages
- To include your paper for publication, the following requirements must be met:
- Paper prepared in ACM format including the standard ACM copyright paragraph and copyright strip (see below)
- Copyright form submitted electronically (see below)
- Paper submitted in PDF format
- Paper submitted in US-Letter size (8.5x11 inches)
- No page numbers (they will be added automatically)
- At least one author must register for the conference at This author must register before Oct 10, 2012
- To ensure adherence to ACM's format requirements, please use one of the templates available at:
Note that the page must be lettersize (8.5 x 11 inches). The copyright
block must be included on the first page of all publications. See
instructions below for the correct copyright block format for ACM
SIGSPATIAL GIS 2012. Also, please pay special attention to margins and
the requirements for specifying categories and subject descriptors,
general terms, and keywords. More information on categories, etc. can
be found at
- Copyright forms are now handled electronically. ACM will send an
email to contact authors with instructions on how to submit your
copyright release online. Papers cannot be published without a valid
copyright release form.
The following is the standard ACM copyright paragraph and copyright
strip that must appear on the first page of each paper, except for
papers with authors who fall under the exceptions indicated below* (and
have indicated so in the copyright form):
"Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work
for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage
and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first
page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to
redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
ACM SIGSPATIAL LBSN '12, November 6, 2012. Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Copyright (c) 2012 ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-1698-9/12/11...$15.00"
*Exceptions for Government papers - Authors who signed part B of the ACM
Copyright Form please check with the signing author to determine which
of the following options applies.
Option #1: Government employee/authors (US and other)
"This paper is authored by an employee(s) of the [U.S.] Government and is in the public domain."
Note: The usual "government" bibliographic strip information applies here without copyright, e.g.,
"ACM SIGSPATIAL LBSN '12, November 6, 2012. Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Copyright (c) 2012 ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-1698-9/12/11...$15.00"
Option #2: Government-affiliated authors (funded contractors or
co-authors with goverment employees) Note: ACM copyright is evident in
this case.
"Copyright (c) 2012 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM
acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by a
contractor or affiliate of the [U.S.] Government. As such, the
Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or
reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government
purposes only."
The usual ACM bib strip w/ copyright notice also applies here, e.g.,
"ACM SIGSPATIAL LBSN '12, November 6, 2012. Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Copyright (c) 2012 ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-1698-9/12/11...$15.00"
Option #3: Foreign Government Holding Copyright
"This paper is co-authored by employees of [agency] and is copyright by
the Government of [country]. Non-exclusive permission to copy and
publish the paper is granted, provided that the authors and [agency] are
clearly identified as its source."
(c) 2012 [Govt. agency or Crown of __________]
- Please make sure to follow all formatting requirements to avoid any
additional delays. Having the wrong paper size and incorrect copyright
block are the most common errors.
- Adhere to page limits
- Paper prepared in ACM format
- Copyright form submitted electronically
- Paper submitted in PDF format
- Paper submitted in US-Letter size (8.5x11 inches)
- No page numbers (they will be added automatically)
- Submit camera-ready copy no later than Oct 9, 2012
- At least one author must register for the conference. This author must register before Oct 10, 2012