IT 117: Intermediate Scripting
Class 3
Tips and Examples
Python Review
Login Failure
If you enter the wrong password 5 times when connecting to pe15
you will be temporarily blocked from logging in to this machine.
This lock out will only last for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, you should be able try again.
If you have forgotten your password, you can change it.
Go to
Recordings of Class Meetings
You will find links to the recordings of class meetings
Use of Storage Space on the CS LAN
All of you will have an account on the Computer Science Department network.
With this account you get a home directory.
There is a limit on the total size of the files in your home directory.
So you should not store there anything you do not need for your classwork.
Homework 2
I have posted homework 2
It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.
Class Quizzes
From now on, each class will have a Class Quiz.
The Class Quiz is ungraded.
It is designed to help you remember the material covered in class.
Here is how it works.
Go to the listing of Class Quizzes you will find here.
Click on the link for the quiz you need to take.
Answer all the questions on a piece of paper.
Go to the listing of Class Quiz Answers you will find here.
Check your answers.
First Graded Quiz
The first graded quiz will be given on Tuesday next week.
The questions from the graded quiz are taken from the ungraded quizzes of the
previous week.
Unless I tell you otherwise, you should expect a graded quiz each week.
The quiz will be available on Gradescope on Tuesday.
Class Page for IT 116
You may find it useful to look at my materials for IT 116.
I have a web site where I post most of the materials for my courses for
the previous semester.
You will find these materials here
I have included this link on the class page for the course.
Go to the index for the Class Notes and search for a topic.
You will find the index here
Do Not Post Anything From this Class Online
There are many web site that claim to "help" students
learn new material.
As far as I am concerned sites like Chegg and CourseHero get their money
by helping students cheat on their assignments.
Posting ANYTHING on such sites is a violation of your
Oath of Honesty and will be reported to the Provost's Office.
This includes quiz and exam questions as well as homework assignments
and Class Exercises.
Are there any questions before I begin?
Tips and Examples
Class Exercises
Getting Help
- This course makes you do things that you may not have done before
- Whenever you do something new there is always a good chance you will make
a mistake
- When this happens, the first thing you should do is reread the instructions
- Mistakes often happen when we read too fast
- If you cannot fix the problem in a reasonable amount of time, ask for help
- There are a number of ways you can do this
- Post a question in the class discussion area
- Email the Class Assistant
- Ask other students in the class
- Come to Zoom Office Hours
- DO NOT EMAIL ME with your question
- I have over 100 student each semester
- With that workload I must be very careful how I spend my time
- I would rather respond to your question on Piazza than in an email
- Only one student will see an email response
- But an answer on Piazza can be seen by the entire class
- Only send me an email when you have an issue that affects you and you alone
- Like being out of the country due to a family emergency
Describing a Problem
Don't Use Screenshots in Piazza
- Many students paste screenshots of code into Piazza
- This is not a good idea
- I have a hard time reading some of the screen shots
- And I can't copy the code into the Python interpreter to test it
- Instead, copy the code to your class directory on ...
- and type the name of your file into your Piazza entry
- This way I can run the code myself
- And use various debugging techniques
Making Script Executable
- All scripts submitted for this course must be
- If your scripts are not executable you will lose points
- You make a file executable by doing two things
- Using the
hashbang line
- Giving all uses read and execute permissions
- The hashbang line must be the very first line of the script
- The first two characters of this first line must be #!
- This must be followed by the absolute address of the Python 3 interpreter
- For this course the hashbang line must be
#! /usr/bin/python3
- You can make a file executable by running the following Unix
command on it
chmod 755 FILENAME
- FILENAME is a placeholder
- You replace this with the name of the file you are making
- If I wanted to make the file
executable ...
- I would would write the following on the Unix command line
chmod 755
- In FileZilla you can give execute permission by right clicking
on the script file ...
- selecting "Permissions" from the menu ...
- and entering "755" in the box provided
Python Review
The range
- Creating the list of integers is not hard if the list is short
- But what if we wanted to add the numbers from 1 to 100?
- Creating that list would be very tedious
- Python's
function makes it easy to create a list
of integers
>>> for number in range(10):
... print(number)
- Notice that the sequence of numbers started with 0
- And ended with one less than the value of the argument
- You can also give the
function two arguments
- In this case the first argument is the starting number
- And the second argument is one more than the last number
>>> for number in range(5, 11):
... print(number)
- You can even give three arguments to the
- If you do the first two arguments do the same thing as the two argument version
- But the third argument is the step value
- The step value is the amount by which each number is changed ...
- from the number that came before
>>> for number in range(2, 11, 2):
... print(number)
Augmented Assignment Operators
- When writing code we often want to change a variable by a certain amount
- If I wanted to add 1 to the variable num I
could write
num = num + 1
- Statements like this are very common
- So Python has a set of special operators that will do three things
- Get the current value of the variable
- CHANGE this number by applying the operator
to the number on the right
- Assign this new value to the variable
- So instead of writing the statement above we could write
num += 1
- This operator works as follows
- Get the current value of the variable on the left
- Get the current value of the expression on the right
- Add the two values
- Assign this new value to the variable
- Using this operator makes the code shorter
- Which reduces the risk of errors
- An operator like this is called an
augmented assignment operator
- Python has an augmented assignment operator for every arithmetic operator
Operator |
Example |
Equivalent To |
+= |
numb += 5 |
numb = num + 5 |
-= |
num -= 5 |
num = num - 5 |
*= |
x *= 5 |
x = x * 5 |
/= |
x /= 5 |
x = x / 5 |
//= |
x //= 5 |
x = x // 5 |
%= |
x %= 5 |
x = x % 5 |
**= |
x **= 5 |
x = x ** 5 |
Nested Loops
- Just as you can have an
statement inside another if
- You can have a loop inside another loop
- When you have one loop inside another it is called a
nested loop
- You can nest any type of loop inside another loop
- But nested
loops are the most common
- When you use a nested loop be sure each loop variable has different name
- If you don't you will get very strange results
- Let's write a script to create a times table
$ cat
# This script creates a times table using nested for loops
for row in range(1, 11):
for column in range(1, 11):
entry = row * column
print(entry, end="\t")
$ python3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
- The loop variable row gets a new value with each
pass through the loop
- It keeps that value while the inner loop variable
column ranges from 1 to 10
- Notice the print statement in the innermost loop
- It print a number followed by a Tab
- This keeps the output for each row on its own line
- We need a call to
after the inner loop to move
to the next line
- The trick to writing software is to break down a big task into smaller tasks ...
- then work on these smaller tasks one-by-one
- Functions
are a great help in splitting the work into smaller tasks
- A function is a group of statements that has a name and performs a specific task
- Each function operates in its own environment ...
- so it can be isolated from the rest of the program
- The Python interpreter has a number of function that are predefined inside it
- They are called
built-in functions
- They are always available for you to use in your scripts
- You can see a list of them here
- But you can also define your own Python functions
- Most Python scripts contain a number of functions written specially for that script
- If you find yourself using certain function over and over again ...
- you can put them in a file ...
- and import them into other scripts
- These files are called
Function Names
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Local Variables
Functions that Return Values
- Functions that return values can be used in assignment statements
>>> result = math.sqrt(7)
>>> result
- Functions use a
return statement
to send a value back to the function call
- Here is the format
- Remember, an expression is anything that the Python interpreter can turn into a value
- A
statement does two things
- It ends the execution of the function
- It sends a value back to the function call
- A
statement always causes the function to quit
- So any Python statements after
will never be executed
- Here is a new version of the cheer function that returns a value
>>> def cheer(team):
... return "Go " + team + " !"
- This version does not actually print anything
- So we need to put the call to the function inside the parentheses of
>>> print(cheer("Red Sox"))
Go Red Sox!
- We can do this because cheer now returns a value
- So a call to this new version of cheer is
an expression
- And we can always use an expression as the argument to a function
Returning Multiple Values
- A Python
statement can return more than one value
- To do this you follow the
with a comma separated list of
- Using this feature I can write a function to get both the first and last name
>>> def get_full_name():
... first_name = input("Please enter your first name: ")
... last_name = input("Please enter your last name: ")
... return first_name, last_name
- When this function is called it will ask for two values
- So we will need two variables to receive these values
>>> fname, lname = get_full_name()
Please enter your first name: Glenn
Please enter your last name: Hoffman
>>> print("Hello", fname, lname)
Hello Glenn Hoffman
Standard Library Functions
- All computer languages come with functions that perform useful operations
- Here are some examples from Python
- print
- int
- float
- input
- range
- All of these are built-in functions
- Built-in functions are actually part of the Python interpreter
- So they are always available
- You do not have to do anything special to use them
- But every time you install Python you get many other useful functions
- These are called the
standard library
- The standard library consist of many files called modules
- Each module contains functions and variables that do related things
- For example the math module contains many
common mathematical functions
- But you cannot use a module functions inside a script ...
- unless you imported them
- You do this with an
import statement
statements have the following form
The MODULE_NAME is the file name without
the .py extension.
- When using a function or a variable imported from a module you must
do something special
- You must use
dot notation
- First you write the name of the module ...
- followed by a dot ( . ) ...
- followed by the name of the function or variable
- Here are some examples
>>> math.pi # trying to use a math module variable before importing math
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'math' is not defined
>>> import math
>>> math.pi
>>> math.sin(math.pi)
>>> math.cos(math.pi)
>>> math.ceil(4.3)
>>> math.floor(4.3)
>>> math.floor(-4.3)
>>> math.ceil(-4.3)
- A
is a place in memory with a name that holds a single value ...
- like an integer, float or boolean
- Objects
can hold more than one value
- They can also contain functions that work with those values
- The functions inside an object are called
- Objects do not have names
- Instead they have a location in memory
- In order to work with an object ...
- this location has to be stored in a variable
- You can think of this variable as pointing to the object
- To refer to function or variable inside an object ...
- you must use dot notation
- A file is simply a linear arrangement of data on some long term
storage device ...
- like a hard drive, thumb drive or CD ROM
- Files are identified by their name and their location
- The data inside a file can be in any one of a number of formats
- As far as Python is concerned, there are two types of files
- Text files contain characters, symbols and digits which make sense to us
- These characters are grouped into lines ...
- which have the newline character \n at the end
- So in some sense, a text file is a list of lines
- Binary files store their information as a sequence of binary numbers
- All of the work we will be doing in this class will be with text files
Using Files
- All operations inside a computer take place in the computer's RAM
- But files live in some external storage device like a hard drive or a CD
- To work with a file the computer needs a structure in RAM ...
- that has data which allows the you to use the file
- This structure is called a
file object
- To work with a file you must create a file object connected to the file
Creating a File Object
Writing Data to a File
- Objects contain values and the functions that work with those values
- The functions inside objects are called methods
- To call a method you must use dot notation
- Dot notation for methods has the following format
- To write data to a file we must first open it for writing
teams_file = open("teams.txt", "w")
- The variable teams_file points to the new
file object
- Now we can use the write method of this new
file object to send some text to the file
teams_file.write("Red Sox\n")
- If you want to write a line to a text file you must include the
character ...
- which we write as \n
Closing a File
- When you have finished working with a file you should close it
- This will allow other programs to use the file
- To close a file you use the close method
- The general format for using the close method is
- Closing destroys the file object ...
- and breaks the connection to the file
- To close the file object pointed to by file
you would write
- Any file objects you do not close will be removed when the program ends
Using a File More Than Once
- The file objects created with the access modes above only move in one
- If you have read or written a line, you cannot go back
- If you need to read the lines in a file more than once you have to
- Close the first file object
- Create a new file object on the same file
Appending Data to a File
Reading Files with a for
- The best way to read a file is with a
- You create a file object for reading
- And then use the variable that points to this object after
in the loop header
- The general form of a
loop is
can be many things
- It can also be a file
- Text files contain strings with a newline character at the end
- So you can think of a text file as a list of lines
- To read a file you put the variable pointing to the file object
after the keyword
- Here is an example
$ cat
#! /usr/bin/python3
# prints the lines in a file with a for loop
filename = input("Filename: ")
file = open(filename, "r")
for line in file:
$ cat numbers.txt
$ ./
Filename: numbers.txt
- Why is there a blank line after every number?
- Because the loop variable line contains the
entire line of text
- Including the newline character at the end of the line
- To fix this we should write
Class Exercise
Class Quiz