IT 117: Intermediate to Scripting
Class 10 Exercise
Script for this exercise
Open a text editor
You can use the editor built into IDLE or use a program like Sublime.
Copy the text below into the file
Save the file as
You cannot run this script on your machine
It can only be run on
Copy the file to Unix
Open FileZilla and connect to
You will have to connect using your Unix username and password.
Go to your 117 directory
Go to your ex directory
Inside this directory create the directory ex10
Right-click in the whitespace inside the
ex directory.
Click and drag down to Create directory.
Add ex10 to the path in the dialog box.
Click OK.
Copy your
Click and drag the script from your machine to the
ex10 directory.
Make your script executable
Right-click on the file and select "Permissions" from the menu.
Enter 755 in the box provided.
Click OK.
This will make the script executable.
Running my test script on your script
If you want to run my text script on your Class Exercise script do the following
Connect to
Use an ssh client.
Go to your ex10 directory
Run my test code on your script
The script will prompt you for your Unix username.