IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 9
Tips and Examples
New Material
Graded Quiz
You can connect to Gradescope to take weekly graded quiz
today during the last 15 minutes of the class.
Once you start the quiz you have 15 minutes to finish it.
You can only take this quiz today.
There is not makeup for the weekly quiz because Gradescope does not permit it.
Homework 5
I have posted homework 5 here.
It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.
Are there any questions before I begin?
Tips and Examples
Mistakes That Make Your Scripts Hard to Score
- I wrote the
Rules for Homework Scripts
to make the time I spend grading your scripts as efficient as
- They may seem arbitrary but they make it easier for me to score
your scripts
- Whenever a student submits a script that violates the rules ...
- it causes me extra work
- That is why you lose points if you don't follow the rules
- Most scripts I have seen follow these rules
- But there are certain common mistakes that will cause you
to lose points
- The rule that causes me the most trouble when it is ignored is
Testing Your Class Exercises
A Subtle Pathname Problem
- Several semesters ago a student came to me with a problem that took
me a few minutes to unravel
- It all had to do with the absence of one character in a pathname
- The student was trying to go to his it244
directory using the command
cd ~/it244
- Once there he tried to create a file using the
command ...
- but he got a permission error
- After staring at his prompt for a few minutes I realized what was
- The student thought he had entered
cd ~/it244
- Which would have put him in his it244 directory
- What he really typed was
cd ~it244
- This command took him to the home directory of the it244 account, /home/it244
- This account was created by Prof. Bo Sheng, who also teaches this course
- It is a dummy account that he uses for teaching and testing ...
- like my it244gh account
- The only account that can create a file in this directory is it244 ...
- Prof. Sheng's test account
- Here again a single character was the source of the problem
A Trick When Creating a Long Pathname
- I often make mistakes when typing
- So when I have to create a long pathname ...
- I often get it wrong
- To deal with this I came up with a way to use
- to slowly build the correct pathname
- Let's say I'm in the directory holding test scripts for IT 244 ...
- and I want to copy the file five_lines.txt ...
- in my it244_files directory
- I know that the file is somewhere under my home directory ...
- So I'll start with
$ ls ~
bin drop_box it116 messages
bugs f24 it116_test public_html
code ghoffman it117 stdwrk
course_files html it117_test submitted
course_materials it244 tests_taken
course_scoring_documents it244_test tmp
demos issues mail wrk
- The directory I'm looking for is under the
course_files directory
- So I use the ↑ key to retrieve my previous command ...
- then add course_files at the end
$ ls ~/course_files/
it116_files it117_files it244_files it245_files
- The file I want is in the it244_files
- So I add this directory to the previous command ...
- again using ↑
$ ls ~/course_files/it244_files/
- The output of this command is very long but I can see the
five_lines.txt file in the listitng
- So I repeat this procedure to get the pathname to this file
$ ls ~/course_files/it244_files/five_lines.txt
- Now that I have the correct pathname ...
- I can use command line editing to turn the previous command ...
- into call to
I need
- I use ↑ to get the previous command ...
- then use Control A to go to the start of the line ...
- where I change
to cp
- Then I use Control E to go to the end of the line ...
- where I add . (dot) after a space
- This gives me
$ cp ~/course_files/it244_files/five_lines.txt .
Hidden Filenames
- A file whose filename begins with a period, . , is a "hidden" or "invisible" file
does not display these files unless you use the -a
- These files are used to configure your Unix environment
Startup Files
- Files like .login and .bash_profile
are located in your home directory
- They are startup files
- Startup files contain Unix commands that are run before you get the first shell prompt
- These commands customize your Unix environment
- You can set Unix variables which can help you with your work ...
- and do other things
The . and .. Directory Entries
- Every directory has at least two entries . and ..
- When a new directory is created these are the first two entries
- . stands for the current directory
- . . stands for the parent directory of your current directory
- . . is the directory immediately above your current location
- . is most often used in two circumstances
- To run a program in your current directory
- To move or copy a file to your current directory
- Every file has a
pathname which is used to access the file
- A pathname has two components
- A path to reach the file
- The name of the file
- The path is a list of directories that you must go through ..
- to reach the file you want
- A path is like an address on a letter ...
- or directions to get somewhere
- The name of the file is always at the end of a pathname
- When the slash, / appears between
names in a pathname ...
- it is a separator
- It is used to separate a directory name from what comes after it
- When a / is the first character in a pathname
- it stands for the
root directory
- There are two types of pathnames
Absolute Pathnames
- The top of the filesystem is a directory called the root directory
- The root directory is represented by a single slash character, /
- It can stand alone or appear as the first character before a directory name
- An absolute path
is a list of directories starting with the root directory ...
- and ending with the directory that contains the file
- When you add the filename to the end of an absolute path ...
- you have an
absolute pathname
Tilde, ~, in Pathnames
Relative Pathnames
- Absolute pathnames are useful because you can use them anywhere
- But they are long and easy to mistype
- For most purposes, it is easier to use
relative pathnames
- In a relative pathname, the path starts from your current directory
- In an absolute pathname, the path starts from the root, /
- While all absolute pathnames start with a slash, /,
or a tilde, ~
- Relative pathnames never do
- As far as Unix is concerned ...
- it makes no difference whether you use an absolute or relative pathname
- There are four types of relative pathnames:
- When the file is in your current directory
- When the file is in a subdirectory of your current directory
- When the file is in a directory that is above your current directory
- When the file is in a directory that is neither above or below the current directory
Relative Pathnames in Your Current Directory
- A relative pathname of a file or directory in your current directory is simple
- It is the name of that file or directory
Relative Pathnames in a Subdirectory
- Things get a little more complicated ...
- when you are dealing with a file in a subdirectory
- Here, you must list every directory ...
- between your current directory and the file you want
- You must use a slash, / after each directory name
Relative Pathnames above the Current Directory
- When the file or directory is above the current directory ...
- you can't list the directory names
- Instead, you have to use the special . . entry in each directory
- Use one . . for each directory up the chain in the path
- Use a slash, /, between each ..
Relative Pathnames Neither above Nor below the Current Directory
- What if the file is neither above nor below?
- Here you have to go up to a common ancestor ...
- and then down to the directory that holds what you want
- The path starts with one or more . . ...
- to get to the directory that is the common ancester of your
current directory ...
- and the directory holding the file you are trying to reach
- Once you get to the common ancestor ...
- you go down to the directory that holds the file
New Material
Access Permissions
- All Unix files and directories have
access permissions
- The access permissions allow the
of a file or directory ...
- to decide who gets to do what with the file or directory
- By default, the owner of a file or directory is the account that created it
- Every file, directory or device on a Unix filesystem ...
- has three types of permissions
- If you have read permission
you can look at the data in the file
- You can run
, more
or less
on these files
- If you only have read permission on a file ...
- you cannot change it
- To change what is inside a file you need
write permission
- To run a program or script file you must have
execute permission
- If you make a Bash script executable ...
you can run it without having type
before the name of the script
- Each of the three types of permissions is either on or off
- But the access permissions apply to three types of users
- The owner
- The group
- Every other Unix account
- Every file or directory has an owner and a group assigned to it
- The account that created the file is usually the owner
- A group
is a collection of Unix accounts
- The last class of users ...
- is any account that is not the owner or a member of the group
- Unix calls this class of users "other"
- A group is just a collection of Unix account names
- For example there is a group called faculty ...
- that contains Unix accounts of all instructors in the CS department
- An individual account can be a member of more than one group
- To see the groups that my account belongs to ...
- I can use the
$ groups
faculty itclub curcom oversight it-faculty it116-1 it116-1G it117-1 it117-1G it244-2 it244-2G
- To see the accounts belonging to a specific group ...
- you run the
$ group it-faculty
- On most Linux systems when a new account is created ...
- a new group is also created for that account
- That group has the same name as the account
- At first this group only contains the username of the account
- When the user creates a new file or directory ...
- this special group is assigned to it
- The owner can change the group assigned to a file
- But they cannot change what accounts are in the group
- Only the system administrator can add or remove account from a
- Our Unix machines do something different
- All students accounts are assigned the default group ugrad
- And all faculty are assigned the default group faculty
- This group will be assigned to any file or directory I create
$ ls -l ~/tmp
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 2 ghoffman faculty 4096 May 3 15:59 dir1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ghoffman faculty 0 May 3 15:59 foo.txt
Viewing Access Permissions
Using chmod
with Numeric Arguments
- The numeric permissions format uses three digits
- Each digit is a number from 0 to 7
- The first digit gives the permissions of the owner
- The second digit gives the permissions assigned to the group
- The third digit gives the permissions for every other account
- Each of these classes of users ..
- must be assigned values for read, write and execute permissions
- How do you get three pieces of information out of one number?
- By adding powers of two
- Each digit is the sum of three other numbers
- When calculating a permission number you start with 0
- Then add
- 4 if you want to give read permission
- 2 if you want to give write permission
- 1 if you want to give execute permission
- Notice that all the number are powers of two
- If we write these values in binary notation
- 100 represents 4
- 010 represents 2
- 001 represents 1
- A single decimal digit from 0 to 7 is represented by 3 binary digits
- This is how we get three pieces of information out of one digit
- For example, to give full permissions I would add
- 4 for read permission
- 2 for write permission
- 1 for execute permission
- So the total, 7, grants all three permissions
- 7 is 111 in binary
- Let's look at some other digits
- 6 in binary is 110
- The leftmost digit is 1 indicating read permission
- The center digit is 1 indicating write permission
- The last digit is 0 indicating that execute permission is not granted
- 5 in binary is 101
- The first digit is 1 so read permission is granted
- The second digit is 0 so write permission is not granted
- The last digit is 1 so execute permission is granted
- The following table shows the permissions granted
- by each of the digits from 0 to 7
# | ls -l | Permissions |
0 | --- | None |
1 | --x | Execute only |
2 | -w- | Write only |
3 | -wx | Write and execute |
4 | r-- | Read only |
5 | r-x | Read and execute |
6 | rw- | Read and write |
7 | rwx | Read, write, and execute |
- Only a few of these combination are commonly used ...
- like
and r--
- This scheme is confusing when you first encounter it ...
- but it becomes easier as you use it
- Try to remember this chant
4 2 1
read write execute
owner group everyone
- The first line contains the numbers added to 0 ...
- to form the permissions digit
- The second is the type of permission
- And the third is the category of users
- Repeat this to yourself several times and it should sink in
- You must call
with three digits
- Let's look at some examples
- When you create a new file ...
- it will have certain default permissions
$ touch foo.txt
$ ls
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 it244gh libuuid 0 2012-02-09 15:51 foo.txt
- The owner can read and write the file, but not execute it
- The group and everyone else can only read the file
- To make the file unreadable to everyone except the owner, run
$ chmod 600 foo.txt
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw------- 1 it244gh libuuid 0 2012-02-09 15:51 foo.txt
- To change the file back to its default permissions, run
$ chmod 644 foo.txt
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 it244gh libuuid 0 2012-02-09 15:51 foo.txt
- Here are some common arguments to
- along with what you will see if you run ls -l
Digits | ls -l |
600 | rw------- |
644 | rw-r--r-- |
664 | rw-rw-r-- |
666 | rw-rw-rw- |
755 | rwxr-xr-x |
777 | wxrwxrwx |
Class Exercise
Class Quiz