IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 13, Tuesday
Tips and Examples
New Material
Graded Quiz
You can connect to Gradescope to take weekly graded quiz
today during the last 15 minutes of the class.
Once you start the quiz you have 15 minutes to finish it.
You can only take this quiz today.
There is not makeup for the weekly quiz because Gradescope does not permit it.
Homework 7
I have posted homework 7
It is NOT due this coming Sunday.
Instead it is due Sunday, March 30th.
This is to give you time to study for the midterm.
And to give me time to score it.
The Midterm exam for this course will be held on Tuesday,
March 25th.
That is the first Tuesday after the Spring Break
It will be given in this room.
It will consist of 25 questions like those on the quizzes.
60% of the questions will come from the Weekly Graded Quizzes.
There is a link to the answers to the graded quizze on the class web page.
The other 40% of points will be questions that I create specially for this exam.
For these questions you will have to know
- Absolute and relative pathnames
- The PATH system variable
- Access permissions
- Redirection & and pipes
- grep
- Utilities
The last class before the exam, Thursday, March 13th, will be a review session.
You will only be responsible for the material in the Class Notes for that class
on the exam.
You will find the Midterm review Class Notes
If for some reason you cannot take the exam on the date mentioned above
you must contact me to make alternate arrangements.
The Midterm is given on paper.
I scan each exam paper and upload the scans to Gradescope.
I score the exam on Gradescope.
You will get an email from Gradescope with your score when I am done.
The Midterm is a closed book exam.
You are not allowed to any resource, other than what is in your head,
while taking the exam.
Cheating on the exam will result in a score of 0 and will be reported to the Administration.
Remember your Oath of Honesty.
To prevent cheating, certain rules
will be enforced during the exam.
Remember, the Midterm and Final determine 50% of your grade.
Today's New Material Not on Midterm
The new material in today's class will not appear on the Midterm.
You will only be responsible for the material in the Class Notes for the next class.
They will cover Class Notes 2 through 12.
There will be no graded quiz next week.
Never Call nano
in a Class Exercise Script
If your Class Exercise script contains a call to nano
it screws up my testing scripts.
If your script contains a call to nano
you will receive a 0 on the
Are there any questions before I begin?
Tips and Examples
Using chmod
Twice to Change Permissions
Pipes and Redirection
Using ls
to Construct a Long Pathname
- Constructing a long pathname can be very frustrating
- Whenever I need to create a long pathname I build it slowly using
- Let's say I am in the IT 244 test directory for Class Exercise scripts
$ pwd
- And I want to run cheer in
- This directory is not in my PATH, so I must use a pathname
- If I did not remember the absolute pathname ...
- and wanted to construct a relative pathname ...
- I would proceed step by step using
- starting with ..
- I would keep using .. until I got to my home directory
$ ls ..
examples_it244 hw_solutions_it244 student_code
exercise_scripts_it244 hw_testing_scripts_it244 testing_scripts_it244
$ ls ../..
it116_code it117_code it244_code
$ ls ../../..
bin course_scoring_documents html it116_test it244.d stdwrk tmp
bugs dbeta it117 it244_test submitted wrk
code demos issues it117.d mail test xrchiv
course_files dir1 it116 it117_test omar testing
course_materials FOO.TXT it116.d it244 public_html tests_taken
- I would continue using
until I got down to the correct directory
$ ls ../../../course_files/
it114_files it116_files it117_files it244_files
$ ls ../../../course_files/it244_files/
_attendance_it244.txt.orig empty.txt numbered_lines.txt numbers1.txt numbers2.txt five_lines.txt numbers.txt foo10.txt fruit.txt foo1.txt foo2.txt foo3.txt foo4.txt foo5.txt test foo6.txt test.txt foo7.txt foo8.txt read_only_dir foo9.txt red_sox.txt it_students
dir1 lines.txt
dir_permissions foo.txt log.txt
$ ls ../../../course_files/it244_files/ /
- Now I can use ↑ and remove
from the command line to run the script
$ ../../../course_files/it244_files/
Let's go Red Sox!
Computers are Fast But People are Slow
- Most of the time we spend in front of a machine ...
- we are doing one of two things
- Typing or thinking
- Thinking requires nothing of the machine
- Typing make take us a few minutes
- But reading what we type takes the machine microseconds
- So most of the time you and I are using a machine ...
- the machine is not doing anything for us
- The only time we make a significant demand on the machine ...
- is when we run a program
- Engineers realized that a user did not need exclusive access to the machine ...
- while they were working at the terminal
- The machine could do some work for one user for a few microseconds ...
- then it could stop and save what it had done ...
- before moving on to the next person
- The amount of time given to one user was called a time slice
- Machines are so fast that the users would never notice the difference
- The computer would still be working with one person at a time
- But it seemed to the user that many people were using the machine ...
- at the same time
- To make this work a new type of operating system was needed
- A multiuser operating system
The Birth of Unix
- People knew how efficient multiuser operating systems would be
- So there was a big push to make this happen
- This lead to the creation of a project called Multics
- It was a huge project involving government, General Electric and Bell Labs
- The project was so big and unwieldy that it was never finished
- Bell Labs was working on Multics but eventually decided to pull out
- Two very talented programmers there, Ken Thompson and Denis Ritchie ...
- had worked on the project
- They decided that Multics was trying to do too much
- They simplified the specification inherited from Multics ...
- and made some very clever design decisions
- When they implemented this simpler specification ...
- they created Unix
- One of their key design concepts was data streams
Data Streams
- Computers work with information
- They take information in
- And they send information out
- We can think of these flows of information as data streams
- When we run a command that produces some result ...
- the characters we see are a stream of data sent to the screen
- This is an output stream
- When we type something into a word processor ...
- data flows from the keyboard to RAM
- This is an input stream
Standard Input, Standard Output and Standard Error
- Every Unix process always has access to three different data streams
- Standard Input
- Standard Output
- Standard Error
- Standard input
is where the program normally gets its input
- By default, standard input is the keyboard
- Standard output
is where the program normally sends its output
- By default, standard output is the screen
- Standard error
is where the program normally sends error messages
- By default, standard error is the same as standard output
- The screen
- Redirection
changes where standard input comes from ...
- or where standard output goes
- Redirection is one of the features that makes Unix so flexible
- You can take input from something other than the keyboard
- Like a file
- You can send output to something other than the screen
- Like another file
- Redirection is what makes pipes possible
- A pipe sends the standard output from one program ...
- into the standard input of another
Redirecting Standard Output
Redirecting Standard Input
Redirecting Standard Output Can Destroy a File
- Redirecting standard output to an existing file overwrites its contents
- You will replace the original contents of the file ...
- with the output of the command
Adding Output to an Existing File
- Sometimes a program will do something useful ...
- but produce output you don't want
- For situations like this, Unix provides /dev/null
- Any output you send to /dev/null will disappear
- It will never appear on the screen
- You can also redirect input to come from /dev/null
- If you do, /dev/null will send an empty string
- /dev/null is most useful when dealing with error messages
- Error messages will normally be mixed up with normal output
- That is often not what you want
- Sending error messages to /dev/null prevents this from happening
New Material
Running a Command in the Background
- Normally, when you run a command you have to wait for it to finish
- Such commands are said to be running in the
- When the command does not take long to finish this is not a problem
- But some commands run for a long time
- Compilers can run for a several minutes if the source code is long enough
- And simulations can run for days
- Unix gives you a way to get the command prompt back ...
- while the command is running
- You can run the command in the
- When you run a command in the background two things happen
- The background command is disconnected from the keyboard
- You get a new prompt
- Normally after Bash runs a command ...
- it goes to sleep until the command has finished ...
- and wakes up when it gets the exit status
- A background command is disconnected from the keyboard
- So you cannot talk to it by typing
- But it is not disconnected from the screen
- This means any output from the background command ...
- will be mixed up with normal output
- This is very confusing and should be avoided ...
- by redirecting the output of the background command ...
- to a file or /dev/null
- The shell will tell you when the background command has finished
- When you run a program, a
process is created
- A process is a running program
- The process has access to system resources
- Like memory and the filesystem
- Unix, like most operating systems, is multitasking
- This means you can have more than one process running at a time
- To run a command in the background type an ampersand, & ...
- at the end of the command line ...
- then hit Enter
- For example
$ sleep 5 &
[1] 17895
is a command that makes a program pause for a certain number of seconds
- It is used in shell scripts when the script is waiting for something to happen
- When you type something at the command line and hit Enter ...
- you have created a job
- When a program runs, a single process is created for that program
- But what about a pipeline?
- A pipeline is a collection of commands joined by pipes
- Each command will have its own process
- But the collection of all the separate processes is a single job
- Each process in a pipeline will have its own process ID
- As the pipeline progresses, the currently running process will change
- But the job number does not change
- The job is the collection of all processes created at the command line
- If you run a Bash script, that script may start other processes
- All these processes are part of the same job
- You can have multiple jobs running at the same time
- But only one job can be in the foreground at any one time
- What's so special about the foreground?
- Only the foreground job can accept input from the keyboard
- Every process has a process ID number
- And every job has a job number
- When you tell the shell to run a job in the background ...
- it returns two numbers
$ sleep 5 &
[1] 7431
- The job number is enclosed in brackets and comes first
- The second number is the process identification number ...
- of the first process in the job
- The process identification number is also know as the PID
- When the job finishes, the shell prints a message
[1]+ Done sleep 5
- The message does not appear the moment the job finishes
- If it did that, the message would be mixed up with normal output
- That would be very annoying and you might miss it
- Instead, the shell waits for the next time you run a command
- You will first see the output of the new command
- Then a message that the background job has finished
- If you put a job in the background you should redirect standard output
- Otherwise the output from the background job will go to the screen
- This can be very confusing
- Be sure to redirect output from a background job to a file ...
- or /dev/null
Moving a Job from the Foreground into the Background
Default Job
Aborting a Background Job
- How do you stop a job that is running in the background?
- There are two ways
- If the job were running in the foreground ...
- you could stop it by hitting Control C
- That works with a foreground job ...
- because it is connected to the keyboard
- But a background job can't hear anything from the keyboard
- The keyboard is disconnected from background jobs
- But you can bring a job from the background into the foreground
- You do this using the
(foreground) command
- Once you have the job in the foreground ...
- you can abort it using Control C
$ ./ &
[1] 10575
$ Excuse me
$ Excuse me
Excuse me
Excuse me
- When there is more than one job in the background
- You have to use the job number with
- But there is another way to stop a background job
- You can terminate any job using the
- But to use
you must tell it what to kill
- The usual way to do this is with a process ID
- You are given the job and the process number ...
- when you start the background job
- If you forget them you can always run
(process status)
$ ./ &
[1] 12444
$ Excuse me
12264 pts/2 00:00:00 bash
12444 pts/2 00:00:00
12447 pts/2 00:00:00 sleep
12448 pts/2 00:00:00 ps
$ Excuse me
Excuse me
- Once you have this information you can run
$ Excuse me
Excuse me
kill 12444
[1]+ Terminated ./
- You can also use the job number with
- But you must precede a job number with a percent sign, %
- You can get the job number by using the
$ ./ &
[1] 12543
$ Excuse me
Excuse me
Excuse me
[1]+ Running ./ &
$ Excuse me
Excuse me
Excuse me
Excuse me
Excuse me
kill %1
[1]+ Terminated ./
Class Exercise
Class Quiz