IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 12 Ungraded Quiz

  1. By default, where does Standard Input come from?

  2. By default, where does Standard Output go?

  3. By default, where does Standard Error go?

  4. If you wanted to send the output of ls to the file dir_listing.txt, what would you enter at the command line?

  5. If you wanted the program do_something to take input from the file data.txt what would you write at the command line?

  6. If you wanted to run the program do_something but have no output appear on the screen, or be sent to a file, what would you type at the command line?

  7. If you wanted to add the output of who to the file logged_on.txt what would you type at the command line?

  8. If a program does not specify where its input comes from, where would it come from?

  9. If a program does not specify where its output goes to, where would it go?

  10. Where does a program send its error messages?