IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Homework 4
Sunday, February 23rd at 11:59 PM
What You Need to Do
- Create the script
with Unix commands that will do what is described in the steps
- This file must be in an hw4
directory under your hw directory
From your home directory go to your it244
cd it244
- Go to your hw directory
cd hw
- Create an hw4 directory
mkdir hw4
- Enter this new directory
cd hw4
- Create
- Run
to create
- Into this file write the Unix commands for each step
- The commands for each step must by labeled with a Step
- Write # followed by the word
"Step" and the step number
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using
tilde, ~.
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, go to your home directory using
tilde, ~.
Run pwd
You should be in your home directory.
Using one Unix command, go to your hw4
directory inside your
hw directory, inside your
it244 directory using a relative pathname.
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using
an absolute pathname.
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, go to the it244_files
directory inside the course_files directory,
inside my home directory, using an absolute pathname.
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using
relative pathname using one or more instances of
.. .
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, go to your home directory.
Once you are there go to your it244 directory
using a relative pathname.
Run pwd
You should be in your it244 directory.
Using touch
create a file named test.txt.
Go to your hw4 directory.
Run pwd
Using .. stay in your
hw4 directory but list
the contents of your it244 directory.
Stay in your hw4 directory and
copy the test.txt file from your
it244 directory to your
hw4 directory using a relative pathname.
Run pwd
Run ls
Using one Unix command go to your home directory.
Run pwd
Using one Unix command, copy the test.txt
file from your it244/hw/hw4 directory to
your home directory.
Run ls
- There are two tests that your should run on your script
- The first test checks for Unix errors
- Run bash on your script like this
bash > /dev/null
- This will run your script but will only show error
- If you see nothing, your script has passed this test
- The second test checks your Step comments
- Run it like this
- When you run this script you must supply your username and
homework number
- If your Step comments are wrong you will lose points
- Run you script
- You should see
ex hw test.txt
/home/YOUR_USERNAME/it244/hw/hw4 test.txt
bin names_emails.txt
bugs numbers_jumbled.txt
- Where you see YOUR_USERNAME substitute
your Unix username
Copyright © 2020 Glenn Hoffman. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.