
100 Morrissey Blvd.
McCormack 3rd Floor Rm 201-01 Computer Science Dept.
Boston, MA 02125-3393 USA

Email: hdeblois'at'cs.umb.edu

J. Holly DeBlois

High Performance Computing Research Group, 2015 - 2019
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts Boston

I received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Boston in December 2019. Previously, I received an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University. I also received a B.A. degree in Government from Smith College.

My research area is algorithms and parallel computing. Also scene classifiers using CUDA. Previously, I did research in sensor networks and molecular communication. I am also an experienced software engineer.

As of September 2023, I am a lecturer in Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Boston. I teach two sections of CS444 and one section of CS410.

Curriculum Vitae

My CV contains both academic and industry information.

Teaching cs410-01:

Syllabus rev Mar22 hw2,3

Homework0 -- fixed 5Feb



Classproj1 for 410 - has assignment for Wed Jan 29


COLLABORATION POLICY: Use the Spring 2012 6.005 Rob Miller policy found in the above handbook selection. Add to it that for team discussions, reading and comparing each others code is necessary. Be considerate when a change you want to make means someone else has to change their code too. Code that you wrote even if it does not get used in the final version, is still excellent code and to your credit.

handwr1 for classproj1

JHD has classproj1 collected and corporations, 3 or 4 students assigned to each. For Classproj2, you will join your corporation and write its index.html, but first we do handwr2 and finish Classproj1.


for writing reports

tests for corporation websites and workaround for updates

Handwr2 from class on 3 Feb

Classproj2 for 410 - has assignment for Wed Feb5


git tutorial -- study pp1-6 and make a repo on the server, Handwr3 handed in Wed Feb 12


Essential Scrum by Rubin

see items posted in canvas for artifact work including what is to be done in class next week

hw1 revised (see below) covers Essential Scrum concepts for daily scrum and sprint

Requirements photos for corporations from class: ZAA and AAAA AACD and EEF GGG and HHI

JJJ JJK LLM RSS STT VVY topOfBoardPhotosForPersonalWebsite: 1 2-3 4-5-6 7-8 7-8 9 9 10


hw1 clarified now due tues feb 25 11:59pm

long project update and two presentations feb 26

Requirements for Personal Websites

Where To Put Files to meet Artifact Requirements


LONG PROJECTS -- 3 more presentations tomorrow: 4:00, 4:10, 4:20pm

1. VDC Website Enhancement - Shubhro Sen, Assistant-Provost and Executive Director and VDC Manager, Operations and Outreach Maria Vasilevsky -- Note re AI bot: we will use a local open-source LLM as conversational AI bot and add VDC data, see this tutorial recommended by Dr. Funda Dupinar Babur, who has kindly agreed to consult with me on this

2. The Mandala Studio e-commerce site - Jacob Patoju and Bhavana Manneni, CS Department Masters Program

3. Ideal Gas Applet - Ted Malliaris, Scientist/Software-Engineer - slides for presentation (condensed)

4. Class Tech Student Scheduling System - Shawn Reardon, UMB IT, A/V Office and Support Supervisor

5. Inia Biosciences website update - Dragana Savic, CEO --- and her Mar 2 comment with two additional requests

Preferences.pdf - to fill out today!

Long Project Teams - meet today!



hw2.pdf is posted here, due April 3rd

Teaching cs444-02 and cs444-01:

Syllabus - minor revisions 15Feb

Homework0 -- fixed 5Feb

hw0_datafiles -- updated 5Feb




COLLABORATION POLICY: Use the Spring 2012 6.005 Rob Miller policy found in the above handbook selection. Source any code you use from outside by putting comments in your code as shown. The graders and I will run MOSS - Measure of Software Similarity - from Stanford on all students' submitted project code. This is to prevent copying code from another student. MOSS score > 45% may give both students a zero score.



endian.c -- run ./endian on the CS server -- see: endian.out








proj1.pdf assigned -- NOW DUE Friday, FEB 21 -- copy files in /home/hdeblois/cs444 to your course directory and run the ./huffman options in commandsToTry

hw1.pdf assigned

applying your huffman codes to a file of ASCII data - thinking about how to do it - slide 27, step 4 in perspective


review ch2 processes and threads: run top cmd, see process ids and user names dynamically

review a ch2 timeline drawing, time horiz, processes on vertical axis - use this format to draw timelines for hwl.pdf

ch3_slides(Memory Management)

13 mins on malloc with Caleb Curry


see syllabus with revisions (above) or click here

need help with server? click here for updated portal page

Hamming_slides(for proj2)

ch4_slides(File Systems)

Richard Hamming's paper on error correcting code

noDupFreq.txt is supposed to have 15 bytes, not 19 -- I am very sorry this file was not correct! noDupFreq.txt has: 2 A's, 3 B's, 4 spaces and 6 newlines = 15 characters -- so: click here to see what hexdump -C noDupFreq.txt gives!


Grading criteria for proj1

hwk2.pdf posted tues feb 25, reposted with correction feb 26, due wed mar 5 at 11:59pm

proj2 mar3 byte counts revised; posted wed feb 26 due wed mar 12 at 11:59pm

grader comment for proj2

ch5 slides Input/Output


sign up for test1 - link also sent to your email from canvas --- here is initial doodle signup - their spreadsheet converted to pdf - prepare to scroll down a lot - has duplicates - will read your emails and fix via emails and repost soon


ch6 slides Deadlock

Review for Test1


Proj2: All 80 students have a 72-hour extension to Saturday, Mar 15th 11:59pm.


hw3 due next Tues Apr 1 at 11:59pm

proj3 due in two weeks on Tues Apr 8 at 11:59pm

queuing slides

posixthreads slides

Website in Progress


symlinked data