Boston Latin School, Class of 2017
- Course load included AP Courses
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Lifeguard - Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester 6/16 - 8/16
- Enforced rules of the pool
- Basic Pool Maintnence (water testing, pool treating, and
Referee Supervisor - Dorchester Youth Soccer 4/16 - Present
- Supervised Referees and maintained healthy relationships
between coaches and referees
Referee - Dorchester Youth Soccer 4/12 - Present
- Ensured safety of fields
- Officiated games
Landscaper - Casey Landscape 6/17 Present
- Assisted with landscaping duties (mowing lawns, trimming
shrubs, weeding and mulching)
Camp Counselor - Leahy-Holloran Commuinty Center 6/15 - 8/15
- Took care of children aged 6 to 12, brought them to camp
English Department Praefect - Boston Latin School 9/16 - 5/17
- Assisted English Department in transport, organization
and delivery of books
Keystone Member - Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester 9/14 -
- Worked in community service activities around Dorchester
and Boston
- Led Carepacks Drive, collecting food and goods and
sending them to troops stationed overseas
Counselor in Training - St. Ann's Parish 6/13 - 8/13
- Helped counselors lead activities, looked after kids
- Python
- -Familiar
- -Familiar
- -Familiar