Loadcap for Oracle

Files for loading the CAP database, Oracle 8i/UNIX version, and, separately, the employees table of Example 3.11.6


Loadcap.tar  tar file for the whole directory



loadcap. shell script to create and load the CAP database for a user. Usage: loadcap username/password

Loadcap.script script of running loadcap

Create.sql table creation, as in Appendix A

Custs.dat, custs.ctl: customer table data, table-load control file

Agents.dat, agents.ctl

Prods.dat, prods.ctl

Orders.dat, orders.ctl

Loademps: shell script to create and load the employees table for a user. Usage: loademps username/password

loademps.script: script of a run.

emps.dat, emps.ctl