Creating Chart from Index Table

The index page for the Roundup Issue Tracker displays a table of data. The data can be sorted and grouped by various properties. Currently there is minimal support for generating drill down charts from these index tables. Existing examples display the chart in a separate window. The chart should be displayed surrounded by the page template. Currently only one level of grouping is used to segment the chart. If you group by priority and then user, a bar chart with the count of tickets by priority is shown. Ideally, you should see a grouped bar chart where there is one priority bar for each user.


The Roundup Issue Tracker has a tabular display of search results. This can be downloaded as CSV to produce reports. However, providing simple drill down charts within Roundup is feature that enhances the user's capabilities.

An index table displayed in
	     a page with sort and group controls displayed. The bar
	     chart generated from the index page is overlaid in a new
	     window. The chart is missing the controls and other
	     template decorations that would indicate it's part of the
	     same application.
An index page overlaid with a bar chart for that page opened in a new window.

The current code is a proof of concept and needs to be better integrated into the Roundup tracker application. The following areas need to be addressed:

The goal of this is to update the current wiki page with the changes needed to implement the features above.

Skills/Technologies Required/Excluded
