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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Opens a save dialog box when the user selects "Save As" from the menu.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
arc(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a circular arc of the specified radius, centered at (x, y), from angle1 to angle2 (in degrees).


bernoulli() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random boolean from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability 1/2.
bernoulli(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random boolean from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p.
BinaryIn - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for reading in bits from a binary input stream, either one bit at a time (as a boolean), 8 bits at a time (as a byte or char), 16 bits at a time (as a short), 32 bits at a time (as an int or float), or 64 bits at a time (as a double or long).
BinaryIn() - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryIn
Initializes a binary input stream from standard input.
BinaryIn(InputStream) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryIn
Initializes a binary input stream from an InputStream.
BinaryIn(String) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryIn
Initializes a binary input stream from a filename or URL name.
BinaryIn(Socket) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryIn
Initializes a binary input stream from a socket.
BinaryIn(URL) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryIn
Initializes a binary input stream from a URL.
BinaryOut - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for converting primtive type variables (boolean, byte, char, int, long, float, and double) to sequences of bits and writing them to an output stream.
BinaryOut() - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryOut
Initializes a binary output stream from standard output.
BinaryOut(OutputStream) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryOut
Initializes a binary output stream from an OutputStream.
BinaryOut(String) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryOut
Initializes a binary output stream from a file.
BinaryOut(Socket) - Constructor for class stdlib.BinaryOut
Initializes a binary output stream from a socket.
BinaryStdIn - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for reading in bits from standard input, either one bit at a time (as a boolean), 8 bits at a time (as a byte or char), 16 bits at a time (as a short), 32 bits at a time (as an int or float), or 64 bits at a time (as a double or long).
BinaryStdOut - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for converting primtive type variables (boolean, byte, char, int, long, float, and double) to sequences of bits and writing them to standard output.
binomial(int, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Flips a coin with bias p a total of n times and returns the number of heads obtained.
BLACK - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color black.
BLUE - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color blue.


cauchy() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from the Cauchy distribution.
circle(double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
clear() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Clears the screen to the default color (white).
clear(RGBColor) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Clears the screen to the specified color.
close() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Flushes and closes the binary output stream.
close() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Close this input stream and release any associated system resources.
close() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Flushes and closes standard output.
close() - Method in class stdlib.In
Closes this input stream.
close() - Method in class stdlib.Out
Closes the output stream.
close() - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Closes standard audio.
CYAN - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color cyan.


DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color dark gray.
disableDoubleBuffering() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Disables double buffering.
discrete(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from the specified discrete distribution.
discrete(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from the specified discrete distribution.


ellipse(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws an ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
enableDoubleBuffering() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Enables double buffering.
exists() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Returns true if this binary input stream exists.
exists() - Method in class stdlib.In
Returns true if this input stream exists.
exp(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from an exponential distribution with rate λ.


filledCircle(double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a filled circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
filledEllipse(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws an ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
filledPolygon(double[], double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
filledRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a filled rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
filledSquare(double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a filled square of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
flush() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Flushes the binary output stream, padding 0s if number of bits written so far is not a multiple of 8.
flush() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Flushes standard output, padding 0s if number of bits written so far is not a multiple of 8.


gaussian() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a standard Gaussian distribution.
gaussian(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Gaussian distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
geometric(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from a geometric distribution with success probability p.
get(int, int) - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Returns the color of pixel (col, row) as a {Color}.
getBlue() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns the blue component of this color.
getFont() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the current font.
getGreen() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns the green component of this color.
getJLabel() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Returns a JLabel containing this picture, for embedding in a JPanel, JFrame or other GUI widget.
getPenColor() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the current pen color.
getPenRadius() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the current pen radius.
getRed() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns the red component of this color.
getSeed() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns the seed of the pseudo-random number generator.
GRAY - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color gray.
GREEN - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color green.


hasNextChar() - Method in class stdlib.In
Returns true if this input stream has more input (including whitespace).
hasNextChar() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Returns true if standard input has more input (including whitespace).
hasNextKeyTyped() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns true if the user has typed a key (that has not yet been processed).
hasNextLine() - Method in class stdlib.In
Returns true if this input stream has a next line.
hasNextLine() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Returns true if standard input has a next line.
height() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Returns the height of the picture.


In - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for reading strings and numbers from standard input, file input, URLs, and sockets.
In() - Constructor for class stdlib.In
Initializes an input stream from standard input.
In(String) - Constructor for class stdlib.In
Initializes an input stream from a filename or web page name.
In(Socket) - Constructor for class stdlib.In
Initializes an input stream from a socket.
In(URL) - Constructor for class stdlib.In
Initializes an input stream from a URL.
In(Scanner) - Constructor for class stdlib.In
Initializes an input stream from a given Scanner source; use with new Scanner(String) to read from a string.
isCompatible(RGBColor) - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns true if this color is compatible with other, and false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Returns true if this binary input stream is empty.
isEmpty() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Returns true if standard input is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class stdlib.In
Returns true if input stream is empty (except possibly whitespace).
isEmpty() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Returns true if standard input is empty (except possibly for whitespace).
isKeyPressed(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns true if the given key is being pressed.
isMousePressed() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns true if the mouse is being pressed.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.


LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color light gray.
line(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a line segment between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
loop(String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Loops an audio file (in .wav, .mid, or .au format) in a background thread.
luminance() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns the luminance of this color.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color magenta.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Unit tests the BinaryIn data type.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Test client.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Test client.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Tests the methods in this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.In
Unit tests the In data type.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.Out
A test client.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.Picture
Unit tests this Picture data type.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Unit tests this data type.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Unit tests StdArrayIO.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Test client - play an A major scale to standard audio.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Test client.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Interactive test of basic functionality.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Unit tests some of the methods in StdOut.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Unit tests the methods in this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Unit tests StdStats.
max(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the maximum value in the specified array.
max(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the maximum value in the specified subarray.
max(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the maximum value in the specified array.
mean(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the average value in the specified array.
mean(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the average value in the specified subarray.
mean(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the average value in the specified array.
min(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the minimum value in the specified array.
min(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the minimum value in the specified subarray.
min(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the minimum value in the specified array.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class stdlib.StdDraw
This method cannot be called directly.
mouseX() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse.
mouseY() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse.


nextKeyTyped() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Returns the next key that was typed by the user (that your program has not already processed).


ORANGE - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color orange.
Out - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for writing strings and numbers to various output streams, including standard output, file, and sockets.
Out() - Constructor for class stdlib.Out
Initializes an output stream from standard output.
Out(String) - Constructor for class stdlib.Out
Initializes an output stream from a file.
Out(Socket) - Constructor for class stdlib.Out
Initializes an output stream from a socket.


pareto() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from the standard Pareto distribution.
pareto(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Pareto distribution with shape parameter α.
pause(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Pauses for t milliseconds.
permutation(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a uniformly random permutation of n elements.
permutation(int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a uniformly random permutation of k of n elements.
picture(double, double, String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws the specified image centered at (x, y).
picture(double, double, String, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees.
picture(double, double, String, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rescaled to the specified bounding box.
picture(double, double, String, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees, and rescaled to the specified bounding box.
Picture - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for manipulating individual pixels of an image using the RGB color format.
Picture(int, int) - Constructor for class stdlib.Picture
Creates a width-by-height picture, with width columns and height rows, where each pixel is black.
Picture(String) - Constructor for class stdlib.Picture
Creates a picture by reading an image from a file or URL.
Picture(Picture) - Constructor for class stdlib.Picture
Creates a new picture that is a deep copy of the argument picture.
PINK - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color pink.
play(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Writes one sample (between -1.0 and +1.0) to standard audio.
play(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Writes the array of samples (between -1.0 and +1.0) to standard audio.
play(String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Plays an audio file (in .wav, .mid, or .au format) in a background thread.
plotBars(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Plots bars from (0, ai) to (ai) for each i to standard draw.
plotLines(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Plots the line segments connecting (i, ai) to (i+1, ai+1) for each i to standard draw.
plotPoints(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Plots the points (0, a0), (1, a1), ..., (n-1, an-1) to standard draw.
point(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a point centered at (x, y).
poisson(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from a Poisson distribution with mean λ.
polygon(double[], double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
print() - Method in class stdlib.Out
Flushes this output stream.
print() - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Flushes standard output.
print(boolean) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a boolean to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(boolean) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a boolean to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(boolean[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Prints a 1D array of booleans to standard output.
print(boolean[][]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Prints a 2D array of booleans to standard output.
print(byte) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a byte to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(byte) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a byte to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(char) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a character to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(char) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a character to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(double) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a double to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a double to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Prints an array of doubles to standard output.
print(double[][]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Prints the 2D array of doubles to standard output.
print(float) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a float to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(float) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a float to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(int) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints an integer to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints an integer to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Prints an array of integers to standard output.
print(int[][]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Print a 2D array of integers to standard output.
print(long) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a long integer to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(long) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a long integer to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(short) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a short integer to standard output and flushes standard output.
print(Object) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints an object to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
print(Object) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints an object to standard output and flushes standard output.
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a formatted string to this output stream, using the specified format string and arguments, and then flushes this output stream.
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a formatted string to standard output, using the specified format string and arguments, and then flushes standard output.
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a formatted string to this output stream, using the specified locale, format string, and arguments, and then flushes this output stream.
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a formatted string to standard output, using the locale and the specified format string and arguments; then flushes standard output.
println() - Method in class stdlib.Out
Terminates the current line by printing the line-separator string.
println() - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Terminates the current line by printing the line-separator string.
println(boolean) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a boolean to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(boolean) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a boolean to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(byte) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a byte to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(byte) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a byte to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(char) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a character to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(char) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a character to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(double) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a double to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a double to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(float) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a float to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(float) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints an integer to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(int) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints an integer to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints an integer to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(long) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints a long to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(long) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a long to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(short) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints a short integer to standard output and then terminates the line.
println(Object) - Method in class stdlib.Out
Prints an object to this output stream and then terminates the line.
println(Object) - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
Prints an object to this output stream and then terminates the line.


read(String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Reads audio samples from a file (in .wav or .au format) and returns them as a double array with values between -1.0 and +1.0.
readAll() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads and returns the remainder of this input stream, as a string.
readAll() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads and returns the remainder of the input, as a string.
readAllDoubles() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads all remaining tokens from this input stream, parses them as doubles, and returns them as an array of doubles.
readAllDoubles() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads all remaining tokens from standard input, parses them as doubles, and returns them as an array of doubles.
readAllInts() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads all remaining tokens from this input stream, parses them as integers, and returns them as an array of integers.
readAllInts() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads all remaining tokens from standard input, parses them as integers, and returns them as an array of integers.
readAllLines() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads all remaining lines from this input stream and returns them as an array of strings.
readAllLines() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads all remaining lines from standard input and returns them as an array of strings.
readAllLongs() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads all remaining tokens from this input stream, parses them as longs, and returns them as an array of longs.
readAllLongs() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads all remaining tokens from standard input, parses them as longs, and returns them as an array of longs.
readAllStrings() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads all remaining tokens from this input stream and returns them as an array of strings.
readAllStrings() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads all remaining tokens from standard input and returns them as an array of strings.
readBoolean() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next bit of data from this binary input stream and return as a boolean.
readBoolean() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next bit of data from standard input and return as a boolean.
readBoolean() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a boolean (interpreting either "true" or "1" as true, and either "false" or "0" as false).
readBoolean() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a boolean, and returns the boolean.
readBoolean1D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 1D array of booleans from standard input and returns it.
readBoolean2D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 2D array of booleans from standard input and returns it.
readByte() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 8 bits from this binary input stream and return as an 8-bit byte.
readByte() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 8 bits from standard input and return as an 8-bit byte.
readByte() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a byte, and returns the byte.
readByte() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a byte, and returns the byte.
readChar() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 8 bits from this binary input stream and return as an 8-bit char.
readChar() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 8 bits from standard input and return as an 8-bit char.
readChar() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads and returns the next character in this input stream.
readChar() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads and returns the next character.
readChar(int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next r bits from this binary input stream and return as an r-bit character.
readChar(int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next r bits from standard input and return as an r-bit character.
readDouble() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 64 bits from this binary input stream and return as a 64-bit double.
readDouble() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 64 bits from standard input and return as a 64-bit double.
readDouble() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a double, and returns the double.
readDouble() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a double, and returns the double.
readDouble1D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 1D array of doubles from standard input and returns it.
readDouble2D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 2D array of doubles from standard input and returns it.
readFloat() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 32 bits from this binary input stream and return as a 32-bit float.
readFloat() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 32 bits from standard input and return as a 32-bit float.
readFloat() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a float, and returns the float.
readFloat() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a float, and returns the float.
readInt() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 32 bits from this binary input stream and return as a 32-bit int.
readInt() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 32 bits from standard input and return as a 32-bit int.
readInt() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a int, and returns the int.
readInt() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as an integer, and returns the integer.
readInt(int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next r bits from this binary input stream return as an r-bit int.
readInt(int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next r bits from standard input and return as an r-bit int.
readInt1D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 1D array of integers from standard input and returns it.
readInt2D() - Static method in class stdlib.StdArrayIO
Reads a 2D array of integers from standard input and returns it.
readLine() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads and returns the next line in this input stream.
readLine() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads and returns the next line, excluding the line separator if present.
readLong() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 64 bits from this binary input stream and return as a 64-bit long.
readLong() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 64 bits from standard input and return as a 64-bit long.
readLong() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a long, and returns the long.
readLong() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a long integer, and returns the long integer.
readShort() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the next 16 bits from this binary input stream and return as a 16-bit short.
readShort() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the next 16 bits from standard input and return as a 16-bit short.
readShort() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream, parses it as a short, and returns the short.
readShort() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token from standard input, parses it as a short integer, and returns the short integer.
readString() - Method in class stdlib.BinaryIn
Reads the remaining bytes of data from this binary input stream and return as a string.
readString() - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdIn
Reads the remaining bytes of data from standard input and return as a string.
readString() - Method in class stdlib.In
Reads the next token from this input stream and returns it as a String.
readString() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
Reads the next token and returns the String.
rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
RED - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color red.
resync() - Static method in class stdlib.StdIn
If StdIn changes, use this to reinitialize the scanner.
resync() - Static method in class stdlib.StdOut
If StdOut changes, use this to reinitialize the PrintWriter.
RGBColor - Class in stdlib
This class provides a representation for a color in RGB space.
RGBColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class stdlib.RGBColor
Constructs a color given its RGB components.


SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class stdlib.StdAudio
The sample rate: 44,100 Hz for CD quality audio.
save(String) - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Saves the picture to a file in either PNG or JPEG format.
save(String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Saves the drawing to using the specified filename.
save(String, double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdAudio
Saves the double array as an audio file (using .wav or .au format).
set(int, int, RGBColor) - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Sets the color of pixel (col, row) to given color.
setCanvasSize() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be 512-by-512 pixels.
setCanvasSize(int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be width-by-height pixels.
setFont() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the font to the default font (sans serif, 16 point).
setFont(Font) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the font to the specified value.
setOriginLowerLeft() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Sets the origin to be the lower left pixel.
setOriginUpperLeft() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Sets the origin to be the upper left pixel.
setPenColor() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the pen color to the default color (black).
setPenColor(int, int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the pen color to the specified RGB color.
setPenColor(RGBColor) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the pen color to the specified color.
setPenRadius() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the pen size to the default size (0.002).
setPenRadius(double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the radius of the pen to the specified size.
setScale() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the x-scale and y-scale to be the default (between 0.0 and 1.0).
setScale(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets both the x-scale and y-scale to the (same) specified range.
setSeed(long) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number generator.
setXscale() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the x-scale to be the default (between 0.0 and 1.0).
setXscale(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the x-scale to the specified range.
setYscale() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the y-scale to be the default (between 0.0 and 1.0).
setYscale(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Sets the y-scale to the specified range.
show() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Displays the picture in a window on the screen.
show() - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Copies offscreen buffer to onscreen buffer.
shuffle(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
square(double, double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Draws a square of side length 2r, centered at (x, y).
StdArrayIO - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for reading in 1D and 2D arrays from standard input and printing out to standard output.
StdAudio - Class in stdlib
This class provides a basic capability for creating, reading, and saving audio.
stddev(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample standard deviation in the specified array.
stddev(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample standard deviation in the specified subarray.
stddev(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample standard deviation in the specified array.
stddevp(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the population standard deviation in the specified array.
stddevp(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the population standard deviation in the specified subarray.
StdDraw - Class in stdlib
This class provides a basic capability for creating drawings with your programs.
StdIn - Class in stdlib
This class provides static methods for reading strings and numbers from standard input.
stdlib - package stdlib
StdOut - Class in stdlib
This class provides methods for printing strings and numbers to standard output.
StdRandom - Class in stdlib
This class provides static methods for generating random number from various discrete and continuous distributions, including uniform, Binomial, Bernoulli, geometric, Gaussian, exponential, Pareto, Poisson, and Cauchy.
StdStats - Class in stdlib
This class provides static methods for computing statistics such as min, max, mean, sample standard deviation, and sample variance.


text(double, double, String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y).
text(double, double, String, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y) and rotated by the specified number of degrees.
textLeft(double, double, String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Writes the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (x, y).
textRight(double, double, String) - Static method in class stdlib.StdDraw
Writes the given text string in the current font, right-aligned at (x, y).
toGray() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns the grayscale equivalent of this color.
toString() - Method in class stdlib.RGBColor
Returns a string representation of this color.


uniform() - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [0, 1).
uniform(double, double) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [a, b).
uniform(int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [0, n).
uniform(int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [a, b).
uniform(long) - Static method in class stdlib.StdRandom
Returns a random long integer uniformly in [0, n).


var(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample variance in the specified array.
var(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample variance in the specified subarray.
var(int[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the sample variance in the specified array.
varp(double[]) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the population variance in the specified array.
varp(double[], int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.StdStats
Returns the population variance in the specified subarray.


WHITE - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color white.
width() - Method in class stdlib.Picture
Returns the width of the picture.
write(boolean) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the specified bit to the binary output stream.
write(boolean) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the specified bit to standard output.
write(byte) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 8-bit byte to the binary output stream.
write(byte) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 8-bit byte to standard output.
write(char) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 8-bit char to the binary output stream.
write(char) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 8-bit char to standard output.
write(char, int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the r-bit char to the binary output stream.
write(char, int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the r-bit char to standard output.
write(double) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 64-bit double to the binary output stream.
write(double) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 64-bit double to standard output.
write(float) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 32-bit float to the binary output stream.
write(float) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 32-bit float to standard output.
write(int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 32-bit int to the binary output stream.
write(int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 32-bit int to standard output.
write(int, int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the r-bit int to the binary output stream.
write(int, int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the r-bit int to standard output.
write(long) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the 64-bit long to the binary output stream.
write(long) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 64-bit long to standard output.
write(short) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Write the 16-bit int to the binary output stream.
write(short) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the 16-bit int to standard output.
write(String) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the string of 8-bit characters to the binary output stream.
write(String) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the string of 8-bit characters to standard output.
write(String, int) - Method in class stdlib.BinaryOut
Writes the string of r-bit characters to the binary output stream.
write(String, int) - Static method in class stdlib.BinaryStdOut
Writes the string of r-bit characters to standard output.


YELLOW - Static variable in class stdlib.StdDraw
The color yellow.
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