On this page:
1 Makefiles
2 Hello, World!, with stdin and stdout
3 Sets and Alphabets
4 Subsets and Power Sets
5 Parsing XML Files

Homework 0

Last updated: Tue, 8 Sep 2020 13:57:38 -0400

Out: Wed Sept 9, after first class Due: Tues Sept 15, 23:59 EST

This homework ensures that everyone is familiar with the infrastructure of the course.

Language and Tools

This course requires programming but assumes that you already know how to program. We won’t dictate what language you must use, or how to structure your code.

You must decide all that for yourself (starting with this assignment).

Of course, having good programming habits is still a good idea since you may need to:
  • reuse code,

  • and occasionally present your solutions.

Common Infrastructure

The only requirement is that each homework submission must hook into our Gradescope infrastructure (Docker containers running Ubuntu Linux 18.04).

Thus, while you may develop in any environment, you should find a Linux machine, e.g., users.cs.umb.edu or a VirtualBox VM, to test your code before you submit.

Input and output will be handled with stdin, stdout, as well as files, and we’ll use make and Makefiles to run the assignments.

Homework Problems

The problems below will introduce each of these in more detail:


Submit your solution to this assignment in Gradescope hw0.

A submission must include the following files:
  • a Makefile with the following targets (see the Makefiles problem for details):
    • setup

    • run-hw0-stdio

    • run-hw0-alphabet

    • run-hw0-powerset

    • run-hw0-xml

  • a README with the following information:
    • Time spent (in hours) on the assignment.

      This will help me gauge whether assignments are too easy or hard.

    • The names of other students you worked with.

      You may discuss homework with other students but any submitted work must be your own work. In other words, you must come up with your solutions independently. See Academic Honesty.

    • Any other books or websites you used.

      You may of course consult other reference sources to learn the course materials.

      Again, however, any work you submit must be your own.

  • and finally, files containing the solution to each problem.

1 Makefiles

The Gradescope grading environment starts with nothing installed, so each homework submission must include a way to install the programs needed to run itself.

We will do this with make and Makefiles.

In general, a Makefile is a script consisting of a series of commands, each on its own tab-indented (not spaces) line.

Commands in a Makefile must be labeled with a target, which appears on its own line before the commands and is followed by a colon (no space in between).


Here is an example Makefile with a setup target that installs the Racket language (I use Racket for all my programming) from the apt package manager:

Makefile (uses apt)

setup:  # this is the target name

        # each command must be on a new tab-indented line

        apt-get install -y racket

(You’ll have root access so no need to run commands with sudo.)

Alternatively this example downloads and installs Racket to a local subdirectory:

Makefile (installs locally)

setup:  # this is the target name

        # each command must be on a new tab-indented line

        wget -q https://mirror.racket-lang.org/installers/7.8/racket-7.8-x86_64-linux.sh

        chmod +x racket-7.8-x86_64-linux.sh

        ./racket-7.8-x86_64-linux.sh --in-place --dest racket

Any installation method is fine, so long as the rest of your Makefile works correctly.

Your Task

Create a Makefile with a setup target that installs your chosen language, tools, etc.

Test your setup script with the make command, e.g.:

make -f Makefile setup

2 Hello, World!, with stdin and stdout

We will primarily use stdin and stdout to communicate with your programs.

Consult your language docs if you are unsure how to read/write from these streams.

Your Task

  1. In your chosen language, write a program that reads from stdin, and then writes that entire input to stdout three times, each on its own line.

  2. Add a run-hw0-stdio target to your Makefile that runs this program. Here’s mine:



            # ... setup steps from before


            racket/bin/racket hw0-stdio.rkt # this line must start with a tab character

We will run your submission with a command like:

printf "Hello, World!" | make -sf Makefile run-hw0-stdio

Which should produce the following output:

Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Hello, World!

3 Sets and Alphabets

A set is a mathematical object that represents a group of other mathematical objects such as numbers, strings, and even other sets.

Set elements are unique, i.e., a set cannot contain two of the same element.

Sets are often written with brace notation, e.g., {0,1}, and can be infinite in size.

An alphabet, often denoted with the \Sigma symbol (Greek letter Sigma), is a set of characters from which strings in a language may be created.

Your Task

Write the following program:
  • Input (from stdin): a string whose characters represent an alphabet \Sigma

  • Output (to stdout): all possible strings of length 3 that may be created from \Sigma.

    In other words, you are computing the cartesian product \Sigma\times\Sigma\times\Sigma.

    Print strings one per line in any order (but there should be no duplicates).

  • Add a target named run-hw0-alphabet to your Makefile that runs your solution.

  • Example:

    printf "01" | make -sf Makefile run-hw0-alphabet

    Example output:









4 Subsets and Power Sets

A subset A of a set S, written A\subset S or A\subseteq S (the latter means that A may be equal to S), is a set whose elements must be in S.

The power set of a set S, sometimes written \mathcal{P}(S), is the set of all subsets of S.

Write the following program:
  • Input (from stdin): a set of strings (of alphanumeric characters), where set elements are separated with a space

  • Output (to stdout): the power set of the input set, with each subset on its own line (subsets can appear in any order); separate elements in a subset with a space

  • Makefile target name: run-hw0-powerset

  • Example:

    printf "a b c" | make -sf Makefile run-hw0-powerset




    a b


    a c

    b c

    a b c

    (Note: there’s an initial blank line.)

5 Parsing XML Files

We’ll occasionally use XML, a common data format, to communicate with your programs.

Here is an example:

"XML Example"


  <!--The list of states.-->

  <state id="0" name="q1"><initial/></state>

  <state id="1" name="q2"><final/></state>

  <state id="2" name="q3"></state>


  <!--The list of transitions.-->





































In general, an XML document consists of nested pairs of opening and closing tags that can have arbitrary names, e.g., the <automaton> ... </automaton> above.

An opening tag can have several attributes, each with an associated value, e.g., the state tag above has attributes id and name.

Anything between the tags is called its content, which can be arbitrary strings or more tags. A pair of open/close tags, its attributes, and its content is called an element.

If an element has no content or attributes, it is empty and may be written as a single self-closing tag, e.g., <initial /> or <final /> from above.

This problem deals with automaton elements (like above) with a special structure.

The automaton Element

An automaton element consists of transition and state elements.

Your Task

Find a library, or write your own, and use it to write a program that parses an XML file containing an automaton element and extract its states.

The given file may contain other elements as well so just parse the XML generally.

Specifically, write the following program:


Your Task

Create a README with the following information:
  • Time spent (in hours) on the assignment.

    This will help me gauge whether assignments are too easy or hard.

  • The names of other students you worked with.

    You may discuss homework with other students but any submitted work must be your own work. In other words, you must come up with your solutions independently.

    See Academic Honesty for more information.

  • Any other books or websites you used.

    You may of course consult other reference sources to learn the course materials.

    Again, however, any work you submit must be your own.