On this page:
1 Part 1
1.1 Git  Hub
1.2 Racket
1.3 Warmup
2 Part 2
2.1 More Exercises

Homework 0

Last updated: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 18:12:33 -0400

Out: Wed Sep 06, after first class

Due, Part 1: Sun Sep 10, 23:59 EST

Due, Part 2: Sun Sep 17, 23:59 EST


This homework is a warmup to make sure that everyone is set up to complete the course.

Since this course is about using language to communicate effectively, hws will be graded on more than just correctness. Specifically, this hw will be graded accordingly:

  • part 1 (4 pts)

  • correctness (10 pts)

  • style (see below for details) (5 pts)

  • README (1 pt)

Total: 20 points

After this homework, you will:
  • have a github.com account and know how to execute basic git commands,

  • have Racket installed and know how to run basic programs,

  • understand basic functional programming (in Racket),

  • know how to submit hw to Gradescope for this class.


Homework solution code must be stored in a private github repository visible to only the student and the instructor. (If you fork the hw0 starter code (see Part 1) the permissions should be already set up correctly.)

In addition, a homework repo must satisfy the following:


Before submitting, note:
  • Do not submit until all code has been thoroughly tested, independent of the autograder, and you are reasonably sure the assignment is complete and correct.

    The autograder is not a software development tool so please don’t use it as one.

  • If you submit and get an autograder error, this means your submission is not complete and correct and it’s up to you to figure out why.

    The course staff is happy to help, but cannot do so if students don’t explain what they’ve tried first (e.g., "why is the autograder giving an error?" is not a valid question).

  • The grading criteria (i.e., test suite) is subject to change. This means that the visible grade seen during submission is not the final grade.

When ready, submit this assignment to Gradescope hw0 using the "GitHub" submission feature with the forked hw0 repository selected.

1 Part 1

1.1 GitHub

Now you are ready to begin working on this homework.

1.2 Racket
1.3 Warmup

2 Part 2

2.1 More Exercises