Connecting to a Unix machine from Windows
Software Needed
- To login in to a Unix machine on the Computer Science Department network ...
- you will need an
SSH client for Windows
- SSH stands for secure shell
- it a protocol that allows a user to create a secure connection to a remote Unix machine
- There are several SSH clients for Windows ...
- but I recommend putty.exe ...
- is part of the PuTTY open source project
- You can downloaded this putty.exe
- To copy files to, or get files from, a remote Unix machine ...
- you need a Windows SCP client
stands for secure copy
- A nice scp client for Windows is FileZilla ...
- which you can download here
Logging in to a Unix Machine
- Run putty.exe which will bring up this window
- In the Host name box enter
- Click the Open button
- The first time you do this, you will see this
- If you see this, click the Yes button
- You will now see a window in which you can type Unix commands
- but first you must enter your Unix username ...
- and hit Enter
- When you do, you will be prompted for your password
- Now type your Unix password ...
- and hit Enter
- You are now logged into pe15 ...
- and are in your home directory
- When you have finished your work, type
- This will end you Unix session ...
- and close the Putty window
Copying Files to a Unix Machine
- To copy files to and from a Unix machine ...
- use FileZilla
- You will find instructions on how to do this here
Accessing a Unix Machine Using the UMB Wireless Network
- If you are connected to the UMB Wireless network ...
- you can use both both of the programs mentioned above the same way you do from home
Copying to the Clipboard in putty.exe
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag over the text you want to
copy to the clipboard
- When you release the left mouse button the text will be copied to the
Pasting from the Clipboard in putt.exe
- Copy text into the Clipboard from some file
- Open putty.exe
- Place the cursor where you want the text to appear
- Right click the mouse to paste the Clipboard text at the insertion point